
March 24, 2008

Nancy Pelosi’s Bad Karma

Filed under: Commentary — alex @ 10:26 am


I read a news story this morning entitled…

Pelosi Urges World to Condemn China

To this I have only one response…


Nancy Pelosi is the Speaker of the US House of Representatives, a position comparable to Prime Minister in other countries. She is the leader of the Democratic Party’s majority of seats in the US Congress, a majority which could, if it wished to, end the Iraq war, impeach the criminals in the White House and perhaps conduct a real, non-whitewash investigation into 9-11. She could stop the Bush agenda, if only she dared to.Instead of doing her job and standing up for the American people who gave her the power she holds, (but never uses) Nancy Pelosi is going to grandstand and go after China, underwriter of the massive US Debt that has kept the US economy (barely) alive since Bush decided that every billionaire needs a tax cut.

The Tibetans are an inherently likable people who have been oppressed for half a century. I have nothing but respect for the Dalai Lama. However, Madame Speaker, it is not your place to go after Chinese thugs (biting the hand that feeds) while ignoring the criminals across the aisle from you, the ones that you actually do have the power to stop.

Here are some quotes from the article. I’ll respond.

Nancy Pelosi has called on the world community to denounce China in the wake of its crackdown in Tibet.

I say: The world community has called on Nancy Pelosi to denounce the White House in the wake of its genocide in Iraq.

Nancy says : “The situation in Tibet is a challenge to the conscience of the world,”

I say: “The situation in Iraq is a challenge to the conscience of the world,”

She says: “If freedom loving people throughout the world do not speak out against China’s oppression in China and Tibet, we have lost all moral authority to speak on behalf of human rights anywhere in the world,”

Why not?: “If freedom loving people throughout the world do not speak out against the Washington’s oppression in Iraq and Guantanamo Bay, we have lost all moral authority to speak on behalf of human rights anywhere in the world,”

Here is my favourite quote of the story:

“Perhaps it’s our karma, our fate, to be with you at such a sad time. It is our karma, we know, to help the people of Tibet.

Really? It’s your karma to oppose the Chinese government on their internal affairs? Do I need to remind Nancy that she controls the congressional majority and, fillibusters aside, she can just pull the funding on the Bush agenda anytime she decides? She won’t do that though. She’d rather grandstand for a cause celebre.

Nancy wants to talk about karma? Well, how about the karma of allowing the Iraq meat grinder to continue? How about the karma of letting the giant banks foreclose on countless low-income people? How about the karma of allowing the bill of rights to be scrapped, or permitting the torture of innocent people? How about the karma of being the biggest political coward (with the possible exception of Harry Reid) since Neville Chamberlain? How about that karma Nancy? If this is your karma than I really wouldn’t want to be you, because you’ve got some serious @#$! coming your way.

1 Comment

  1. We owe China too much money to get snotty with them even though they poison our kids, our pets, toys, toothpaste and the latest, our prescription medications.

    Not to mention they have WMD!!!

    Comment by kerry — March 24, 2008 @ 11:35 am

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