
March 24, 2008

Silenced by a lefty

Filed under: Uncategorized — rhetor @ 10:26 am

A curious thing happened to me the other night. I was silenced by a lefty.
On an award-winning blog site which I admire, I read a story ridiculing a Fox News personality for saying that black America would “riot in the streets” if Obama lost either the primary or general election. I posted the following comment:
—”Actually, a lot of us have been getting nervous for some time now about the emotional stability of too many Obama supporters, of *all* races. They’ve convinced me, entirely on their own, not to count on them for high-mindedness should their candidate unexpectedly lose.
I like Obama, and if he’s the Democratic nominee he’ll get my vote come November. (I here pledge my vote to the Democrat whoever he or she may be. That’s a pledge I seldom hear from Obamaniacs.) But the pseudo-religious zeal and the fainting spells that Obama inspires among his flock are more than off-putting. They are civically pathological — as intellectually repulsive a sight as any snake-kisser or faith-healer.
I mean…were Obamaniacs used in the filming of Life of Brian? “Miracle! Miracle!”—
Well…almost instantly my comment was labeled “flamebaiting” by the site monitor, and deleted. Twenty-four hours later only one other comment had been deleted from that story — for “bigotry and advocacy of violence,” so that’s some company I’ve been thrown in with.
Among the 166 comments which had passed muster and remained on-line when last I checked:
—”They have rioted in the past when greatly upset and and Obama loss would upset them greatly.”-”I’ll join the rioters if Obama loses.” [Lots of comments like that one. -- rhetor]-”If Hillary steals it, it could be the first Rainbow Coalition riot.”-”It’s a tough road for a white guy these days, just trying make a few scientific observations. It’s enough to make one want to riot.”-”It’s a fact; blacks are the most likely demographic to riot in this sort of event.”—
‘Tis a free-wheeling exchange, but my words crossed the line: I criticized Obama supporters. If I’d played it tawdry, and for controversy’s sake simply endorsed the Fox guy’s slander of black America, I’d have got away with that, as other commentators did. They’re ridiculing this Fox News guy for saying something about blacks that really applies to the greater Obama fan base. “Hell yeah we’ll riot,” they exclaim in all their hues, in writing, without censure. My point is proved, explicitly in the words of those I critiqued. It is double-proved it in the exclusion of my words. The irony escapes them entirely, making it the more delicious to me.
So the Great Obama Chill has nipped its first bud from my garden — something the Repiglicans never did to me. That delicate morsel of irony may be the sweetest of all.
I never did put great store by my lefty friends’ dewey-eyed political instincts. But they’re in the saddle now in Obamaland, and they are obnoxious.
It is hard to love the deranged. It is nearly always a bad idea to share their enthusiasms. That is worrying.


  1. rhetor, I think I was kicked off THAT forum for pointing out the truth way back when dubya was stealing the first election with the help of Diebold and the supremes. LOL

    BTW, if you have never attended a holy roller meeting you haven’t lived! That is what Oprah’s introduction of Obama as the second coming, “HE’S THE ONE!” impressed me as with the audience shouting halleluiah and amen. Only thing missing was rolling around on the floor like a person having a seizure. Then it comes out that Oprah used to be a member of Wrights black supremist church

    Comment by kerry — March 24, 2008 @ 10:52 am

  2. Having gone to 9 years of Catholic school, the evangelical nature of the Obama campaign was the first thing to turn me off. It just me reminded me too much of religious recruitment in his rhetoric, only without mentioning God. Like a preacher selling insurance.

    My first impression was that many younger self proclaimed atheists might not have had enough religious exposure to recognize the tactics.

    Kerry, you’re right on about the holy-rollers. My older sister took me to one once. It was wierd to see a cousin of mine rolling around speaking in tongues.

    Comment by Danger Bear — March 24, 2008 @ 1:26 pm

  3. For 12 years, I was free to say whatever I wanted on my website – now I’ve been gagged and I don’t like it one fucking bit.

    Comment by Bart — March 24, 2008 @ 3:51 pm

  4. The first time I ever saw Obam was his speach at the Democratic Convention. He said “My Gawd is an Awsome Gawd.”

    I said “Who is that nutcase.”

    Like Bart I will vote for the Democratic nominee but to quote Han Solo “I’ve got a bad feeling about this.”


    Comment by Volt — March 24, 2008 @ 4:27 pm

  5. “Keep Your words soft and sweet for you never know which words you’ll someday eat”
    Silly isnt it?and yet………
    These two cant win an erection much less an election while at odds with each other,the delegates just dont exist for either to get it alone.
    It seems to me that they both know this but neither is willing to take a back seat to the other.
    So its a pissing match.
    Right now according to the numbers,I’d say its
    Obama/Clinton vs. McCain.
    On the other hand after the media flap generated by the willie horton veterans for truth and the good reverend,it may just be Clinton/Obama vs. McShame.
    Either way they are going to have a time against
    the smear machine bent on demoralizing the liberal voters,to keep them away from the voting booths.
    Lets not deride anyone,no matter the sex appeal
    (There I said it)or the Feminiscient desiradata,
    We got to hang together for the future or else
    hang our heads in shame for the next eight years
    while the true sycophantic idiots determine our collective fate.

    Comment by Rainlander — March 25, 2008 @ 1:18 am

  6. rhetor, why did you not ID the web site? Was it C&L?

    Comment by buzzchilly — March 25, 2008 @ 6:49 am

  7. Danger Bear, If you have not been to many Pentecostal meetings or holy roller, and heard a lot of folks speaking in tongues it would probably never occur to you or most people something that I noticed. According to THE BOOK when one person speaks in tongues there is supposed to be another translating. It always struck me as peculiar since “tongues” is supposed to be the language of angels, that all the “translations” of the gibberish spoken was translated into Ye Olde English of the King James Bible. LOL One would think that with all his alleged power and creative source that god could get a translator who could speak plain old Amurikkin. LOL BTW, The only other place I have seen the hysteria of shaking and rolling on the floor or ground is at a Voodoo ceremony, the difference was slinging a dead chicken around and splattering everyone with blood.

    Bart, I hear you and share your frustration. Remember I’m in a repug stronghold and have only the web to vent my feelings and frustrations about our fascist government and politics etc. That is partly why I wrote what I did the day I took off to cry and clear out my hurts. There is only one person here that I can talk to about politics on occasion, a Nam vet I know who lives alone in the next town. He is usually 3 sheets to the wind when he calls me to chat and argue politics. We share the same views but he mainly gets his kicks from pretending to disagree with me and raising hell. I pretend to get upset and argue with him and yell back. It makes him happy. LOL It is a small price I pay to make him happy after his life was so screwed up from Nam.
    Obama is just what we needed, another “UNITER” like the dub to further divide our party of professional losers.

    Volt, I too will vote dem all the way but it gripes my gut way down deep to go against what every fiber of my body and soul is instinctively telling me. Makes me kind of wonder if the election is going to end up being a battle between white supremist christianist fundies and black supremist christianist fundies….. kind of like the battle in THE BOOK between THE SONS OF LIGHT AND THE SONS OF DARKNESS. Ancient history repeating itself? Somehow I get the feeling that if Hillary doesn’t get the nomination and the fight is between the white fundies and black fundies the rest of us will lose no matter who wins.

    Rain, Hillary has reached out to Obam several times but he refuses to even consider working together, stating that he would absolutely not run for VP. And with his snotty attitude I sincerely doubt that he (or Michelle especially) would even consider a white VP running mate. Does anyone doubt that the GOP has had a hand in encouraging Obama to run in the first place? He has bragged that the GOP had a whole lot to swiftboat Hillary with. Now where did he get that information if not from the GOP & swiftboaters?

    Comment by kerry — March 25, 2008 @ 9:25 pm

  8. Kerry,
    Obama seems to think that reaching across the aisle for a reach around is the prudent course,
    Kind of like another Democrat that ended up switching his party alliance to Independant when the Liberals voiced their reservations about reaching across the aisle.
    Maybe Obama needs a more descriptive name for his efforts in the ruination of the Democratic party’s bid for the whitehouse,Lets call him……Joebama.
    Has a ring to it,I’ll admit.

    Comment by Rainlander — March 26, 2008 @ 11:36 am


    Good point Rainlander, could the last name be… Lieberama? ;O)

    Had a heck of a scare this AM when bartblog seemed to have disappeared from the net. First thought was Bart’s comment on being gagged and all the threats I have had in the past on a political forum to turn me in to the FBI, CIA etc. by bush-worshiping fundis and the threats that Bart has had too. LOL Made me wonder who would be next, those of us who support our freedoms and the constitution as they once were? Damn those SOBs for planting fear! I won’t allow it to get to me though!

    It is snowing again here in sunless N. Kollifornia. It is high desert at present but a few more ice melts at the poles and I will have some lovely beach front property. ;OI

    Comment by kerry — March 26, 2008 @ 1:12 pm

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