
March 23, 2008

World Should Condemn China’s Actions In Tibet, Make Olympic Size Statement

Filed under: Commentary,Opinion — N @ 7:07 pm

The Chinese government’s overreaction by murdering protesters during independence protests in Tibet this week has thrown a black cloud over the Summer Olympic Games this summer in China. The insane actions of the communist government against the Tibetan people requires a strong condemnation from the world and those nations that are set to participate in this summer’s games.

The Chinese reaction to the protest was an act against humanity and the Chinese government needs to be harshly punished internationally for its actions. However, in regard to this Summer’s games, I agree with recent comments from the president of the International Olympic Committee when he said that politics should not play a role in the games. I do not believe that athletes that have trained their whole lives to try to compete for an Olympic medal should be punished because their government or the government of a host country are engaged in less than humane actions. However, the IOC would be able to avoid any problem like that currently occurring in Tibet if they chose countries to host the Olympics that do not engage in conflict with other nations or suppress their own people. That of course would exclude the United States for our invasion of Iraq.

So while I do agree that athletes should not be used in situations like this for political gain, there is nothing that says the governments of participating nations cannot make statements of disgust. One idea that has been floated recently is a boycott of the opening ceremonies by the leaders of participating countries, many of which are heads of state. This is a positive action that would not hurt athletes and would be seen worldwide as a condemnation of China’s tactics in Tibet.

While China is an emerging economy that everyone wants a part of, China’s leaders needs to be shown that if they truly want China be part of the modern world community they can no longer suppress, oppress and in this\case kill their citizens for voicing their displeasure with the government’s actions.

1 Comment

  1. The athletes don’t need an audience in order to compete. The boycott is on, and not just of the Olympics. To hell with ‘em.

    Comment by JustHisWordsdotcom — March 23, 2008 @ 9:33 pm

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