
March 27, 2008


Filed under: Uncategorized — kerry @ 1:17 pm



  1. The Federal Govt has over and over again shown itself absolutely incompetent concerning its efforts to mother people. LBJ’s great society has only resulted in more people receiving welfare checks.
    GW and company should stay out of Katrina and all other parent-figure attempts to help out the poor and hungry, except on a back-up basis. This work is best done on a state and local level.
    Look at Mississippi. Do they have welfare recipients holding signs saying “Help Us”?
    Katrina revealed people who have been addicted to federal money for generations. And now illegal aliens are being added to the rolls.
    Is this what you really want?

    Comment by grimgold — March 29, 2008 @ 2:11 pm

  2. grimgold , The government cut funding for upkeep on the dams in New Orleans, therefore they were not up to the standards they should have been. The government had been warned but ignored it. I hold the Cheney/Bush incompetent dictatorship responsible for the tragic, catastrophic results that followed.

    Would YOU not hold up a “help us” sign if you and your family were stranded on a rooftop with no food or water? Or in a flooded, overcrowded stadium with no food, drinking water, facilities or your medications along with hoodlums raping and beating and people dying for lack of care? Did you no know that private help agencies were not allowed to enter the area to help or rescue those stranded? Or that a shipload of food from another country was denied access to feed the stranded Katrina victims and that the food was allowed to rot by the Bush administration saying that it had not been tested? This is while those stranded were starving in unbelievably contaminated, filthy conditions surrounded by floodwaters polluted with all kinds of sewage, chemicals and dead bodies! Those who could left, others were refused exit at gunpoint by Blackwater troops and armed private security while Dear Leader W Played the guitar and ate birthday cake for 3 days with Johnny come lately Mc Clone! Later they lied about knowing! Then the bushites sent in their relatives and cronies for the cleanup and to skim the cream off the money that was to help people while banks were foreclosing on homes that were no longer there or totaled and selling the property to developers while the owners were being poisoned in FEMA trailers unable to work and keep up the mortgage payments. There should have been a moratorium on mortgages to give the traumatized people a chance to recuperate. Most of those people were just as much displaced as the refugees being brought into this country from Iraq and other areas by the bush regime and who are given money and a place to live. I have known several from various countries and they were given more money to live on and start a business with than I could earn.

    The horrors Katrina victims went through left many of them with PTSS, disoriented and unable to function much the same way our troops returning from Bush’s war on Iraq. They should have had some sort of counseling and financial help to rebuild their lives. We have money for every GD thing Bush & Cheney want to spend it on, trillions for bush’s oil war folly and for every catastrophe in other parts of the world where we provide quicker response than was given to Katrina victims. Are our own people less worthy in times of need? Where the hell is the “compassionate” conservative that bullshit bush promised?

    You wrote [Katrina revealed people who have been addicted to federal money for generations]

    You mean like the Bush dynasty?
    As for being addicted to federal money, look at the corporate crony welfare and the oil company tax free status, tax breaks for the elite wealthy, the lavish benefits and perks of our ELECTED EMPLOYEES in Washington who GIVE THEMSELVES EXTREMELY GENEROUS RAISES ABOUT EVERY YEAR and for whom we continue to provide after they retire, an office, staff and supplies evidently for the rest of their lives at taxpayers expense. Yes, I do know about frauds and fakers, the biggest ones are multimillionaires, or in politics!

    Whatever happened to the “Values Party” xtian fundis that turned them from their “favorite philosopher” (as the decider would say) JC’s instruction “feed my people, love thy neighbor as thyself” to “I got mine f*** you!”

    Comment by kerry — March 31, 2008 @ 9:57 am

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