
April 10, 2008

China Must Pay For Its Crimes

Filed under: Commentary,Opinion,Uncategorized — N @ 10:10 am

China should never have been awarded an Olympics. Since its modern inception as a communist country, China has been outlaw to the rest of the world. China has annexed other countries, arrests anyone who dares speak out against it human rights record manipulates it monetary system to appear competitive in the world, engages in wholesale pirating of copyrighted material and supports rogue regimes throughout the world.  Not exactly the picture of a country that deserves to hold the Olympics.

 The current uproar over China’s annexation of Tibet and its ethnic cleansing program the country has shed new light on why many people were against giving China the Summer Olympic Games. Supporters of giving China the games used the argument that hosting the Olympic Games would force China to be better on human rights, economic and currency issues and its foreign policy. None of that has come about. Instead China has become worse in every single area.  

Now that they have the games the Communist rulers in China do not feel they need to appease the rest of the world in any way. China knows that a full scale boycott of the Olympics will not happen. They know that the world will be watching and so they have scrubbed down Beijing removing its seamy underbelly and have rounded up those that may cause trouble this summer.

The very least that the nations of the world should do is boycott the opening ceremonies this summer. The athletes should not be punished but a message must be sent. China’s favored trade status with the US and European Union should be halted until China changes on the issues of human rights, currency and its rogue foreign policy. China should no longer be rewarded for its outlaw behavior. If China wants to play with the rest of the world then it must meet the standards of the rest of the world.

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