
April 10, 2008

Florida Lawmakers Pass “Take your guns to work” Law

Filed under: News — Tags: , , , , , , — Volt @ 11:06 am

Reuters, April 10, 2008

TALLAHASSEE, Florida (Reuters) – Most Florida residents would be allowed to take guns to work under a measure passed by Florida lawmakers on Wednesday.

The bill, allowing workers to keep guns in their cars for self-protection, was approved by the Florida Senate by a vote of 26-13. It now goes to Republican Gov. Charlie Crist to sign into law.

Backed by the National Rifle Association and some labor unions, the so-called “take-your-guns-to-work” measure would prohibit business owners from banning guns kept locked in motor vehicles on their private property.

The measure applies to employees, customers and those invited to the business establishment as long as they have a permit to carry the weapon.

Backers say the measure upholds the vision of the authors of the U.S. Constitution, who made the right to bear arms part of the Bill of Rights.

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  1. I am mentally cueing the Dueling Banjo’s (Theme to Deliverance) since I read this one.
    I want to do a Sam Kinneson though tearing at My hair and screaming “Oh Oh What the F#ck is wrong with these people?Oooh!
    Of course I just left the diesel truck forums
    where the rightwing lunacy is in full Nazi goosestep as if championing these idiots will entitle them to some exalted status some day if they just keep sucking the kool-ade and extolling the righteos virtues.

    Comment by Rainlander — April 11, 2008 @ 12:48 am

  2. What do you mean I’m fired, Boss?

    Just a second. I have to go out to my car. I’ll be right back!

    –A Florida resident about to exercise his 2nd Amendment rights

    Comment by Volt — April 11, 2008 @ 7:41 am

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