
April 13, 2008

Obama: tastes great, less filling

Filed under: Uncategorized — rhetor @ 7:34 pm

Kos is steering people to this wonderful Obama speech from yesterday, and it’s garnered more than 100,000 hits in less than 24 hours:

I posted a YouTube comment, but got a message “pending approval.” Uh-oh…sure enough, the account name turns out to be “BarackObamadotcom” and I need hardly tell you my comment never got “approved.” So the Great Obama Chill has pinched another bud from my garden. Here’s what I tried to say:

—That’s a good speech. I like Obama. If he’s the nominee, I’ll vote for him in November. But it’s still unclear to me what Obama can do for the people he’s addressing. How will he rejuvenate those mill towns? Can the rich be shook down for the redistribution this would require? I don’t think so. They won’t be as easy to handle now as they were during FDR’s time. I feel less bitter than resigned. If Obama can’t deliver on his lofty prose — and that’s a tall order — bitterness will come later.—

The Obama phenomenon remains a faith-based investment. I’m hungry for specifics.


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