
April 15, 2008

Just One Good Thing From Bush

Filed under: Uncategorized — N @ 6:55 pm

Here is my challenge. Name one good thing that has happened to America because of the Bush Administration.  Just one thing. It must be a direct result of a Bush administration policy. I have been thinking about this for days and I cannot think of one good thing that has happened to America that is a direct result of Bush II. Not one damn thing. The list of things that they have fucked up is enormous. So one thing. One good thing.


  1. N,
    The public has come out of its catatonia about
    the bullshit policies of the so-called conservative party.
    If they’re so goddamned compassionate,when are they gonna get around to helping the people of ‘Nawlins?They sure as hell dawdled over helping the banks and airlines with the corporate welfare now did’nt they?
    Dont even want to get started on the tax cuts for the motherfuckers.
    The Dems now hold the fate of this country in their hands(now if they’ll just find some testicles)and its all because of the culture of corruption conserevatives that the dems are winning back control one seat at a time whether
    in congress or the circuit courts or the local librarian,they all play a part.
    Now they need to point out the Bullshit first but give credit where its due because not all conservatives are charlatans,just most of them.

    Comment by Rainlander — April 16, 2008 @ 12:39 am

  2. Name one good thing that has come of Bart’s obsession with Hillary?

    Be a man, answer up.

    Name one good thing.

    Comment by twilightsailing — April 16, 2008 @ 10:58 am

  3. N, I’ve been trying for years to find any Republican legislation that puts people before business.

    Twilight, Has any good come from your anger at Bart’s candidate preference? Have you come to punish the heretics for their sins?

    Comment by Danger Bear — April 16, 2008 @ 12:21 pm

  4. Twilight-
    Stick to the challege!
    You like Obama Bart likes Hillary

    You are both wrong. My man Edwards was the better candidate in this cycle with his southern drawl.But now its the year of the woman and black man. So McCain gets elected

    Stick to the challege. What positive has Bush providede

    Comment by N — April 16, 2008 @ 6:51 pm

  5. N, you would have to ask this, as I’ve been trying to answer this question for years.

    I think Rainlander’s pointing the way here — BushCo has awakened people to what’s it’s like to live under a soft fascist dictatorship and they aren’t happy. I can’t even find anybody these days who’ll defend Junior and his pal Dick.

    The local vets at my corner bar scream in derision anytime the Republican Presidential Installation or one of his hench-people appear on the TV — in 2004, some of these guys would try to support the Little King, but no more.

    We’re losing our ass across the board and everybody I know is quietly pissed off about it and ready to dump the GOP — I don’t put any credibility in those polls showing McCain doing so well — they must have been conducted in the newsroom at CNN.

    Comment by RS Janes — April 16, 2008 @ 6:59 pm

  6. Bush has so weakened civil rights, the Constitution, and congressional oversight that the next (Democratic) president will be empowered to spy on Repiglicans, expropriate their assets, and clap them into re-education camps, without challenge or recourse.

    How’s that?


    Comment by rhetor — April 16, 2008 @ 8:52 pm

  7. In the debate HRC came up with the same answer as the Pope. The best thing W did was to ask for Bill Clinton’s help with tsunami relief.

    Comment by Danger Bear — April 17, 2008 @ 12:03 am

  8. I am glad that you brought up this question. I have been asking it as well, and trying to get input. There must be SOMETHING, surely. One little thing that he did that benefited someone or something outside of the military industrial complex. Thinking, thinking….come one, not everything he did must be bad — that’s not mathematically possible.

    Sorry — I can’t come up with a darned thing. Although I have not researched this thoroughly, I have tried to answer your question seriously. But I can’t think of anything.

    I have tried to make the question easier, by asking — was there ever something that he said or did that I didn’t disagree with? He once said that Americans were understandably sick of being interrupted by telemarketers. Ditto, George. And when running for president, he said hate crimes should not be given a special designation, because all violent crime is hateful. I agree. Everything else — and this includes the period after Sept 11 when I was one of the few still refusing to “stand with our commander in chief” (and getting beat up pretty bad for it) because just because we were attacked didn’t make lies true — I got nothing.

    Can you think of something he said or did that you agreed with?

    I’m not a hateful person. I’ve truly studied the man, 7 years now, trying to find something about his presidency that has not been reprehensible, and I can’t come up with anything.

    He did salvage his father’s legacy. George the Smarter governed poorly, but his son has been such a catastrophe that GHWB looks like the proverbial philosopher king by comparison. That was a nice thing to do for his dad, albeit inadvertently.

    Comment by brindlebutt — April 17, 2008 @ 12:25 am

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