
May 3, 2008


Filed under: Uncategorized — kerry @ 11:52 am


Democratic presidential hopeful Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, accompanied by North Carolina Gov. Mike Easley, speaks during a campaign stop at John Deere Sales and Service in Kinston, N.C.

In speeches in North Carolina, the two presidential candidates each pledge support if the other wins the nomination.

By Bob Drogin, Los Angeles Times Staff Writer
May 3, 2008
RALEIGH, N.C. — Taking a break from recent verbal combat, Hillary Rodham Clinton and Barack Obama both moved Friday night to ease concerns that their fight for the Democratic presidential nomination has become too divisive and could undercut voter turnout and support in November.

Speaking to a state Democratic rally here designed to promote party unity, the rivals delivered impassioned appeals to about 3,000 cheering party activists but largely ignored each other.

Clinton, who spoke first, mentioned Obama only at the start of her speech, promising that “if he is the nominee,” she would gladly support him. “And if I am the nominee, I know he’ll do the same,” she added.Obama soon returned the favor, vowing to support Clinton “in a heartbeat” if she wins the nomination, and saying he knows she would back him. “Our differences pale in comparison to our differences with the other party,” he said.





  1. Let it be.

    Comment by Rainlander — May 3, 2008 @ 3:42 pm

  2. I don’t know about Bart’s home state of Oklahoma but here in Texas to qualify as a miracle it has to involve the image of Jesus on a tortilla or garage door.

    That or the Astros going to the World Series.


    Comment by Volt — May 3, 2008 @ 4:31 pm

  3. What do you mean Rain? Bart has long advocated the two getting together and uniting the Dems but Obama stubbornly replied when asked about the dream team that he wasn’t running for VP.

    If Bart had a hand in getting Obama to back Hillary if she were nominated I think he should be congratulated. That’s something Pelosi and Edwards have not made an effort to do or anyone else that I have read about in the Progressive party.
    P.S. if you check back in ‘Pulled Act’ thread, I posted some interesting new links for you. I think you will especially find the water crystals interesting.

    Volt, Maybe it’s all those mind altering drugs in the water. LOL

    Comment by kerry — May 4, 2008 @ 9:35 am

  4. Kerry,
    When I read the original post,I thought of the Beatles song “Let It Be” and I did a mental playback of Billy Preston’s Hammond B3 with the Leslie speaker.
    I know it sounds spiritual and I dont know if the rev. wright had something to do with it but
    Mental Hossannahs for the prospect of party unification and reconcilliation definitely were
    part of my mood.

    I no longer believe that there is an omnipotent
    being creator responsible for our destinies which somehow requires acknowledgement or praise from an insignificant pissant such as myself,for the record.
    But I’m easy.

    I’ll drop back and look at the fresh links.
    Thank You,I enjoyed the first ones,Twice Thanks!

    Comment by Rainlander — May 4, 2008 @ 1:22 pm

  5. Rain,

    You’re welcome, hope you find them as fascinating as I do.

    I too, long ago joined the *TFR ranks of THE UNSAVED. ;o) Having spent more than 25 year praying for one thing, to know the truth, I discovered the passage, “search for the truth and the truth will set you free”. Consequently I did and it did.

    I sometimes think about my days of ignorance with a momentary wistful regret that I searched and somewhat envy those who can still believe that some great invisible being gives a damn and will wave his magic wand and fix everything (if only you pray long and hard enough and give ten percent of your money to some church). If only I had left well enough alone and not continued searching all these years…. I too could still be living in blissful ignorance. Sigh…..

    Any chance you saw the documentary on Michelangelo and the Sistine Chapel this past week.

    I just about cracked up over the Michelangelo rendition of The “Backside” of God (Exodus 33:18–34:9) with the ‘almighty’ naked butt mooning Moses. I gained a whole new respect for Michelangelo. LOL
    The picture at
    [ ]

    The story at [ ]

    *Think for yourself.



    Comment by kerry — May 4, 2008 @ 7:57 pm

  6. Yeah,Kerry.
    I was a little goody-two-shoes twerp,
    then I actually read the Bible.

    I spent a few years of soul searching and
    alienating people I once loved,trying to come to terms with my crisis of faith and new found self doubt and self loathing.
    I had come to the conclusion that it was a sales
    promotion with no other aim than to pack the pews and fill the church coffers for political gains.

    So many men of the cloth being homosexuals comes as no surprise to me,
    I’m not even Gay but my experience led me to insights of what it must be like and I feel a
    sense of compassion for what they endure.

    Which leads me to Michelangelo,the real one,not the Charlton Heston version.
    Apparently his flavor was well known and overlooked by the clergy as long as he turned out beautiful male figures everything was forgiven.
    So the image of God exhibitioning his little round apple for Moses would make sense.
    No wonder Moses got drunk and acted out afterward,I’m sure he was disillusioned as I
    once was and just needed to vent.

    Honestly,I had forgotten that little fact but instead of being disturbed it was funny this time instead.

    Thanks,I needed that.

    Comment by Rainlander — May 4, 2008 @ 10:37 pm

  7. Obama and Clinton have been saying they’d back the eventual Democratic nominee since before the first vote was cast this year. Actually all but Kucinich said that from the beginning. Maybe Gravel but he’s never said (gotten to say) much.

    Its only their supporters that haven’t echoed that sentiment.

    Comment by zenferret — May 5, 2008 @ 2:09 pm

  8. [No wonder Moses got drunk and acted out afterward,I’m sure he was disillusioned as I
    once was and just needed to vent.]

    Maybe THAT is the real reason he broke the tablets! LOL

    BTW Rain, Michelangelo was POed at the pope for making him do the Sistine Chapel. He only wanted to sculpt marble and some of the ‘things’ he painted were painted over and not rediscovered until the paintings were cleaned.

    Did you know that ‘gay marriage’ was sanctioned by the early Catholic church? Especially among monks. I have never read where that was overturned. ;O)


    YouTube – Obama: I am running for President of the United States March 10, 2008 … Obama to the Clintons – I’m Not Running For Vice-President ·

    Comment by kerry — May 6, 2008 @ 9:15 am

  9. Used John Deere Tractors…

    I found your site on technorati and read a few of your other posts. Keep up the good work. I just added your RSS feed to my Google News Reader. Looking forward to reading more from you….

    Trackback by Used John Deere Tractors — May 16, 2008 @ 12:57 pm

  10. John Dear, Welcome to bartblog, glad you enjoyed it. Be sure to check out Bart’s other site, for more political information and humor and sign up for his radio programs, they’re a blast.


    Comment by kerry — May 18, 2008 @ 9:34 pm

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