
May 12, 2008

Bush Campaign Promise–“I’ll Lower The Price Of Oil”

Filed under: Uncategorized — kerry @ 2:33 pm


Bush Campaign Promise – “I’ll Lower The Price Of Oil”

The Facts

In June of 2000 George Bush promised to lower the price of gasoline (

“through sheer force of personality”. His plan was to create enough “good will” with OPEC that they would willingly increase output thereby decreasing the price of crude oil. When he said that he was in the process of telling the country how terrible Bill Clinton and the Democrats had muddled up our foreign relations.

My View

Ok, first question, Georgie Boy; what happened? Oil has gone from $35 per barrel to $128.00 dollars per barrel, and gasoline has gone from $1.70 to nearly $4 and more per gallon since you made that campaign promise. Personally, I don’t think America can afford anymore of your “good will” and “bubbling personality”. Maybe that, along with all your other screw-ups over the past seven and a half years, is why your approval rating is down to 28%. And we all know who those 28% are; employees at Fox News, all those wealthy people, and all those big corporations, especially the oil companies. Congratulations on your accomplishments, “Mr.” President.

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