
May 14, 2008

Bush Reveals He Supports Troops By Giving Up Golf

Filed under: Uncategorized — N @ 4:44 pm

While our soldiers are dying for a useless cause in Iraq George W. Bush has revealed how he has been doing his part to support the troops since 2003. How has the commander in lies supported the troops? Not by giving them adequate equipment or proper troop levels or much needed leave. No….George W. Bush supports the troops he sends to die in Iraq by abstaining from playing golf. Imagine! Bush has given up golf! What a noble gesture! How much more shallow and useless could George W. Bush be? He is a public embarrassment. Our soldiers are giving their lives every day for Bush’s illegal oil grab in Iraq and the best he can do to support them is to give up a game he wasn’t very adept at to begin with.

1 Comment

  1. “I call upon all nations to do everything they can to stop these terrorist killers. Thank you.

    Now, watch this drive.”

    Comment by Danger Bear — May 14, 2008 @ 5:26 pm

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