
May 24, 2008

Is Wright About To Get Even?

Filed under: Uncategorized — kerry @ 12:28 pm


Does Jeremiah Wright Have a Book Coming Out in October?

Could this really be true? I noticed this sentence buried in today’s Washington Times:

The Obama problem continues to be the blabbermouth preacher who isn’t likely to go away. He even has a book coming in October.

Assuming Obama makes it to the general election, this could possibly be the best gift that McCain could have asked for. A October release would obviously be timed to inflict maximum damage on Obama. Given that Wright thinks that Obama betrayed him for political purposes, you have to wonder if the Reverend will include any previously unknown “shocking revelations” about Obama. I’m surprised I haven’t seen anyone else pick up on this.

Update: In the comments, Evil Conservative links to Ben Smith’s blog in which he notes that Wright foreshadowed his book his speech to the NAACP Convention in Detroit last week. I watched the speech but somehow managed to completely overlook the reference.

“But all of that now is in the past. I believe a change is coming. Because many of us are going to change how we see others who are different. I’ve got to hurry on. I’m taking too much of your time. So let me give you the outline of the rest of this message. You can either fill in the blanks for yourselves or you could wait for my book that will be out later this year.”

Something tells me that this will be a huge bestseller and may end up being the Death Knell for Obama’s chances for the Presidency.

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