
May 27, 2008

Good economic sense – Grimgold

Filed under: Uncategorized — grimgold @ 12:48 pm

This is Dave Barry’s Take on Government Rebate Checks…

Q. What is an Economic Stimulus Payment?
A. It is money that the federal government will send to taxpayers.

Q. Where will the government get this money?
A. From taxpayers.

Q. So the government is giving me back my own money?
A. Only a smidgen.

Q. What is the purpose of this payment?
A. The plan is that you will use the money to purchase a high-definition TV set, thus
stimulating the economy.

Q. But isn’t that stimulating the economy of China?
A. Shut up.



    Just found out we’re all going to pay income tax on the stimulation payment!

    The Bush giveth and The Bush taketh away,
    bles&*#$d be the name of Lord Bush!

    Comment by kerry — May 27, 2008 @ 2:56 pm

  2. I spent mine by helping to solve the credit crisis. I paid off a credit card and closed the account.

    Comment by greyhawk — May 28, 2008 @ 9:12 am

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