
July 4, 2007

Maureen Dowd: Fireworks for Former First Lady and Future First Lad

Filed under: Uncategorized — Volt @ 7:04 am


Maureen Dowd, The New York Times, July 4, 2007

Hillary looks over at her husband.

He’s in a pretty good mood. He just finished a grilled chicken sandwich from the Dairy Queen near Grinnell, and as a reward for eating healthy, she gave him a bite of her Snickers Blizzard. Crowds all over Iowa have been clamoring for him. Here in the privacy of their black S.U.V., driving through flat Iowa farmland with the press bus trailing, she senses an opportune moment to iron out a few wrinkles.

As Bill works on The New York Times crossword puzzle, Hill tugs on the sleeve of his black shirt in what she hopes is a playful manner.

“Sweetie,” she says, smiling brightly. “Everything’s going really well. You abide by your five-minute limit and talk only about me. You’re still having a little trouble getting that adoring smile down. In fact, on our first stop you actually looked bored and fidgety while I was talking. But I think we solved that problem today by having you leave the stage as soon as I start speaking. If you can just refrain from looking so longingly at the microphone, our pas de deux will be perfect!”

Her smile fades. “Of course,” she frowns, “there was that awkward moment when I said Bush should not have commuted Scooter Libby’s sentence because he was elevating cronyism over the rule of law, and there you were, Mr. Elevate-Cronyism-Over-The-Rule-of-Law, sitting on a stool right behind me in that look-at-me Crayola yellow shirt, reminding everyone of that passel of pardons you sneaked in under the wire, including one for that fugitive tax-evader Marc Rich, whose ex-wife was your fund-raiser and whose lawyer was – can it get any worse? – Scooter Libby! And as soon as we get out of cow country, you’ve got to start dialing for dollars. How could that pest Obama outraise us by $10 million?”

Bill looks dolefully at her, his pen poised in midair. “What’s a seven-letter word for ball-and-chain,” he asks. “Hillary?”

” ‘Partner,’ ” she replies briskly. “Now listen, Bill, this is important. Everyone’s asking what your role in my administration will be, and I think it’s time we figure that out.”

Read More Here


  1. wow, Maureen Dowd has some very impressive powers of extra sensory perception… not only was she able to get into the black SUV driving across flat Iowa, she was able to get inside their heads!!!

    I wish I was like Maureen Dowd.

    Comment by madrax — July 5, 2007 @ 6:16 am

  2. seriously though, what the fuck???

    I took the bait and read the entire article — how this hack gets paid for writing monumental garbage like this is beyond me. The dialogues I wrote for my sixth grade play were much better than this disgusting tripe.

    Comment by madrax — July 5, 2007 @ 6:20 am

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