
June 8, 2008

A Woman Of Valor

Filed under: Uncategorized — kerry @ 5:23 pm


Hillary Rodham Clinton, A Woman Of Valor,

ahead of her time in broaching the ‘glass ceiling’ which has for so long and continues to keep women “in their place”!

She fought a valiant fight against constant, brutal anti-Democrat and sexist media attacks and perverts calling themselves journalists and their nutcase dittoheads.

She is a legend in her time and will long be remembered for her intelligence, dedication, her keen sense of humor and stamina in the face of a never ending barrage of personal and sexist baiting and battering as well as her grace in defeat.  She opened the door and paved the way for the girls who will be the women entering political fields in the future.  She is a winner who has made history and will be the role model for a multitude of the young women of tomorrow.   I am proud of her and I thank you Hillary Rodham Clinton on behalf of all women who fight for equality, not just for all races of men but for WOMEN of all colors as well.


  1. Two thoughts-
    First, I’ll have to copy that picture for my husband. Hillary was his screensaver until his grandson was born.
    Second, I think it’s just as important that young men had a chance to watch a strong, tough, intelligent woman run for president.
    I have a teenaged daughter- a senior in high school. She’s paid some attention to the election. She wanted to know policies; I told her that BO and HC were almost identical except that Obama wasn’t in the Senate when the authorization for force vote was held, and Clinton had a slightly better healthcare plan.
    At school, she was a little shocked that none of the boys even considered Clinton a possibility. The idea of a woman President was just ludicrous to them. Not just Hillary, ANY woman. I hope that Hillary’s strength had some effect on our daughters AND sons.

    Comment by bittershaman2 — June 9, 2008 @ 2:23 am

  2. That my dear bittershaman2 is exactly the mentality of those boy’s fathers that defeated Hillary, not anything she or Bill said or did, the macho men only twisted those things and out of context used them as an excuse rather than admit the truth.

    I’m delighted to hear that your daughter had an awakening and hope she spreads her newfound knowledge and keeps interested in politics.

    Who knows where that may lead. Maybe by the time she is a full grown woman Americans may be ready to accept a woman president. Just keep encouraging and who know where it may lead. ;O)

    There is hope though, colleges are reporting and almost 2 to 1 enrollment of female students over males. It probably would be more equal if Bush wasn’t so busy getting our youth killed, maimed and brain damaged for his gain and if he didn’t screw them out of their promised college funding.

    Also tickled that you like the photo and your hubby likes Hillary too.

    Comment by kerry — June 9, 2008 @ 9:55 am

  3. Not a bad essessment of Clinton. Many friends that are Clinton supporters agree that Clinton has been good for women and good for politics.

    The downside is your continued characterization of men as “macho” because the didn’t support Clinton. I know many men that supported Clinton that would be offended by your stereotyping even thought they think they are somewhat macho.

    None the less we are all better for having Clinton run.

    As for myself I supported Edwards because I likeed his policies the best and had be been a women I would have voted for him anyway. I couldn’t support Clinton not because she was a woman but because I did like her vote or Iraq and some of her other policies. I think it would be great to have a woman president. I have had many female bosses over the years and have always enjoyed working for them sometime more than my male bosses.

    Comment by N — June 10, 2008 @ 2:35 pm

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