
June 9, 2008

It’s time to do this. – Grimgold

Filed under: Uncategorized — grimgold @ 5:09 pm

Struggling families across our great nation are receiving a special delivery from the federal government. They are looking for their promised stimulus rebate check from Uncle Sam.

Yes, that cash infusion is a welcome and needed “bump”… until you realize that our children will be paying back this money to China and other nations over their lifetimes so that we can jump-start our economy today.

Isn’t it really about time we had an honest economic stimulus package–one that attracts investment in the U.S. economy instead of chasing it away?   Here’s one: It’s called the Fair Tax, and it’s the legacy our children and grandchildren deserve from us.



  1. It’s called the “Fair Tax” because nobody would vote for it if it was called the “Handjob tax.”

    It makes struggling newlyweds pay taxes like crazy while the super-rich pay nothing.

    If you’re super-rich, and have everything you want, you’ll like this tax.

    If you’re NOT super-rich, you’ll hate it.

    Comment by Bart — June 9, 2008 @ 5:13 pm

  2. Bad news for you and your right wing buddies, Grimmy…

    Obama Declares War on Reaganomics

    Comment by Volt — June 9, 2008 @ 8:24 pm

  3. Bart, perhaps you haven’t noticed – newlyweds already “pay taxes like crazy.”
    Further, the super-rich (whatever that means) will pay no taxes; they already have their money.
    We need a streamlined tax system in order to compete worldwide. How do you propose to do that? Oh, you don’t know? I’m not surprised. How about quit hating your fictional “super-rich” long enough to come up with answers, real answers to our problems, such as the problem with that awful tax code and its enforcers the Nazies that work for the IRS?

    Volt, my “right wing buddies” want smaller govt, lower taxes, and the chance for everyone to become “super rich.” This is a good thing.
    However, I do have an objection to Reagan and now Bush refusing to cut govt spending when they lowered taxes, causing our now 9 1/2 trillion debt.

    Comment by grimgold — June 10, 2008 @ 9:08 am

  4. Wasn’t the “Fair Tax” invented by Church of Scientology in the 90s before they could get tax-exempt status. I believe they called the IRS Nazis too.

    Anyway, there aren’t too many examples of a country adopting the “fair tax”. Off the top of my head I think there is 1 or 2 Balkan states and Iraq. Grim, why do you want the US to be more like Russia or Iraq?

    A wiser man than me once said, “Extremely limited governments govern underdeveloped shitholes”.

    Comment by Danger Bear — June 10, 2008 @ 11:13 am

  5. Grim-

    How about something simple like a flat tax. Your GOP buddy Steve Forbes has been all about the flat tax for years. No matter what your income is you pay the flat tax lets say at 5%. So some one at $20,000 pays $1000 where a person making $1,000,000 pays 50,0000. Seems fair to me. Everyone taxed at the same rate without and crazy loopholes.

    Comment by N — June 10, 2008 @ 2:27 pm

  6. Bear, thanks for the kind response. You are correct, as far as I know, the fairtax isn’t being used throughout the world. But I predict that if any one of the more economically influental countries does go to the nation wide sales tax and gets rid of all income taxes, they will become so competitive that other nations will follow suit. Why not us first? Please, please read the little book.

    N, a flat tax would take money out of people’s paychecks just as our tax system does now. And, as you know that would go away under a fairtax. People would get all of their paychecks.
    However, a flat tax would be far better than what we have now. You make an excellent point.

    Comment by grimgold — June 10, 2008 @ 7:21 pm

  7. So not only would the price of goods and services go up the amount of taxes applied but also the cost of book keeping to apply those taxes. And how do you police it when the plumber trades a new toilet installation to the software guru to redo his billing soft ware. That he needs to do to comply to the new fair taxes. You end up with a system as draconian as we have now.

    Comment by Mr.Mike — June 10, 2008 @ 10:22 pm

  8. Grim you’re playing fast and loose
    from the Fair Tax web site
    A progressive national retail sales tax.
    A prebate to ensure no American pays federal taxes on spending up to the poverty level.
    Dollar-for-dollar federal revenue neutrality.
    Repeal of the 16th Amendment through companion legislation.
    If its a retail sales tax it won’t be taken out of paychecks.
    If you dismantle the IRS powers from the 19th amendment the is no real way of collecting the tax.
    If we had revenue neutrality in 1941 we would have lost WWII.

    Comment by greyhawk — June 11, 2008 @ 6:24 am

  9. Bear, I forgot to comment – no the Scientologists did not push fairtax, however they hate IRS.
    Mike, the cost of bookkeeping, lobbyists, accountants, attorneys, and so on, would plunge. Businesses spend huge amounts of money to keep the IRS off their doorsteps. The fairtax would make them more conpetitive worldwide which would equal more jobs here at home. As far as trading work to avoid tax, you are correct. It goes on now and would continue to go on.
    Grewhawk, Please just look thru the fairtax book then get back to me.

    Comment by grimgold — June 11, 2008 @ 8:57 pm

  10. Hehe, watch out Grim. We liberals are just aching to argue with someone other than each other.

    Comment by Danger Bear — June 11, 2008 @ 9:17 pm

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