
July 7, 2007

More about open borders. – Grimgold

Filed under: Uncategorized — grimgold @ 12:07 pm

On conservative talk radio I heard that the Bush administration, in its ongoing effort to create open borders, is trying to change labeling so people can’t tell what country products come from.
After seeing the way GW behaved concerning the latest amnesty bill in Congress, I believe it.
Below are some examples of us being poisoned by Communist China. GW’s administration doesn’t care. They want open borders. Period.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) today warned consumers to avoid using tubes of toothpaste labeled as made in Communist China, and issued an import alert to prevent toothpaste containing the poisonous chemical diethylene glycol (DEG) from entering the United States.

The Communist Chinese say media exaggerating food safety problem
(Kyodo) _ China’s food safety problems are partly a result of misunderstandings brought about by exaggerations in media reports, a Foreign Ministry spokesman said Tuesday. Qin Gang’s comments at a regular press conference come as some countries have warned its citizens about tainted toothpaste and pet food originating from China.
“One aspect of this is a misunderstanding which in large part is a result of media exaggeration,” Qin said. “That creates a psychology of fear.” Truly problematic products are “extremely few,” he said. Most recently, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration said it was imposing an import control on select farm-raised seafood from China, saying it will detain those products at the border until the shipments are proven to be free of residues from drugs that are not approved in the United States.

1 Comment

  1. Maybe I missed something in the latest immigration bill but it didn’t seem like there was any focus on better enforcement of laws where business is concerned. Aren’t the businesses the primary ones exploiting this labor pool and isn’t the government pretty much turning a blind eye?

    Comment by Chicago Jim — July 9, 2007 @ 1:38 pm

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