
June 15, 2008


Filed under: Uncategorized — kerry @ 5:40 pm


As you all must know by now, or most of you anyway the Nuclear Holocaust took place as predicted by self-proclaimed prophet Israel “Buffalo Bill” Hawkins, the founder of a religious sect in Abilene, Texas.“ (see blog post June 8th, 2008 4:26 pm) as every country on earth launched all of their known and unknown nuclear missiles. 

Just an hour before the holocaust began a giant UFO labeled RAPTURE EXPRESS shining a brilliant transporter beam circled the earth trailing a banner reading “YE WHO ARE WITHOUT SIN COME ON OUT “. 

Long past being virginal in thought, word or deed I stayed inside and only peeked out my window but I didn’t see anyone being raptured up in the beam.  Moments later the whole earth was engulfed in a firestorm of nuclear destruction and we were all killed.   

Three days later, I can only presume that since nothing got better, W is still killing and stealing and my neighbor from hell is still walking around, that we all went to hell and here on earth is where it is!  

Anyone missing in your neighborhood?

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