
July 9, 2007

Bush Hides Behind Executive Privilege, Again

Filed under: News,Opinion — N @ 10:58 am

President Bush (R-Liar) has again decided to hide behind executive privilege rather than allow White House aides to testify to the House and Senate Judiciary Committees about the federal prosecutor firings that were engineered by the White House. As usual the President’s White House counsel Fred Fielding insisted that Bush was acting in good faith, yeah okay that’s a good one, and refused lawmakers’ demand that the president explain the reason for invoking the privilege.

Okay how much more of this crap are we willing to take? Clearly the President and his administration are again trying to cover up the laws they broke when the fired federal prosecutors for “political” reasons. Every-time this president gets in a jam he hides behind the executive branch.

Unfortunately the spineless Democrats that are supposed to be in control of Congress have not had the balls to call Bush on his crimes and misdemeanors. Just like Bush did with his ridiculous commutation of Scooter Libby’s sentence he is trying to keep his people quiet so they do not incriminate him and those around him. What Bush is doing is kind of like a mob hit without the killing. Keep the informants quiet and nobody gets hurt except the American people.

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