
July 9, 2007

How to Achieve Permanent Peace in the Middle East. – Grimgold

Filed under: Uncategorized — grimgold @ 9:50 pm

Bullet-riddled buildings, bomb craters, and black husks of burning vehicles compete for the camera as an enthusiastic media pans endless footage.
In between the blonde hard-body showing the newest exercise machine and the latest pill for erectile dysfunction, the television news announces the latest “breaking news!” terrorist atrocity as the worm crawls across the bottom of the screen soundlessly totaling up the number of American soldiers killed in Iraq, daily reminding us of Moslem stupidity.
Al Qaeda-trained soldiers carry 1000-year-old grudges in their hearts; raised to hate, determined to kill and be killed.
So what’s the answer? What is the lasting solution to this perpetual blood fest that has gone on for centuries and shows little sign of resolution?
Give women: equality in education; the right to vote in secret ballot; even-handed justice under the rule of law, especially concerning divorce and rape; the right to practice religion alongside men as equals; the right to wear western clothing without fear; the right to hold political office; the right to publish; and the right to own property.
But why would this solve anything?
Because women don’t want a new AK-47.
Women don’t want to blow up American tanks.
Women don’t want to wander the streets screaming “Jihad!”
Women want home, family, and community. They want shopping malls, safe streets, good schools, and, above all, peace.
Give women equal rights, protections, and opportunities under the law, and begin the establishing of these as societal custom, and peace and prosperity will pour across the Middle East.

1 Comment

  1. Excellent post Grimgold. I was born a U.S. citizen while my parents were living in Afghanistan. I was raised there and in Iran for much of my childhood. I saw first hand the ill treatment and subjugation of women in both societies.

    I have often wondered about the lack of gender balance over the centuries and have wondered what these countries (and the world) would look like had women been given more prominent roles across society (and especially in religion!)

    Equality for women here, there and everywhere would go a long way towards making a more peaceful planet.

    See – conservatives and liberals can agree :)

    Comment by Chicago Jim — July 10, 2007 @ 7:12 pm

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