
July 10, 2007

The Absolute Truth Concerning the Evolution Debate. -Grimgold

Filed under: Uncategorized — grimgold @ 11:22 pm

The basic, literal Christians solemnly declare the world has existed for 6,000 years. It’s in the Bible, the Bible is the word of God, and therefore it’s true. This circular reasoning utterly ignores the fact the Bible isn’t written in English and that the Hebrew portion especially, is almost impossible to translate.

The atheists, with science as their religion, are every bit as silly. They look down from on high, surrounded by mounds of dusty university textbooks, and snidely claim that not only is man 100% mud, having no numinous qualities, but that he evolved from banana slugs and blue-green algae. This ignores the fact there is no fossil evidence of in-between animals, such as a record of a cat-dog or a cow-horse.
What is worse; in terms of genes and chromosomes, Darwin breaks down completely. Apes have one less chromosome that human kind. This means in order for man to come into being, a female ape with an extra chromosome had to mate with a male ape with the same deformity, there had to be off spring and they had to all have the one extra chromosome. Then there had to be enough of them to mate and fix the species into existence. And yet Science has the gall to declare Darwin as fact when it is pure belief, a belief born of Science taken as religion.

So onward to the final word on the subject, a third theory called the gardener theory. I like it because it causes people arguing about evolution to be less dogmatic and more likely to change the topic to something important, like the FairTax, or term limits for Congress.
I didn’t make up the gardener theory but read it some years ago, and the author stoutly declared it as absolute fact just like the Christians and atheists do.
So what is the gardener theory? It is the idea that beings form another planet far, far away visited Earth, populated it with life, and now return every few thousand years to see how things are developing.
Sound farfetched?
It ain’t any worse that the other two.


  1. “Absolute Truth”? I disagree.
    You seem to be under the impression that Darwin ever suggested that humans evolved “from” monkeys. He didn’t, nor does anyone today who is acquainted with Darwin’s work firsthand–so your gorilla example is irrelevant.

    You also seem incredulous that a complete set of fossilized examples of every species ever to have existed has not been found, rather than marvelling at the fact that fossilization is a very unlikely process and that it’s a ‘miracle’ that so many fossils *have* been found.

    Evolution by natural selection is an observable –and observed–fact, as much a fact as gravitation. Human “belief” in it is irrelevant. It has nothing whatever to do with either atheism nor religion. The one neither proves nor disproves, nor conflicts with, the other–except of course for the funamentalists, the literal 6,000-year old earth crowd. But those types are immune to reason anyway.

    Yeah, the “gardener” theory is as plausible as any other.

    Comment by hammer187 — July 11, 2007 @ 12:24 pm

  2. I prefer to think of it as the Flintstones theory of world events.

    Comment by greyhawk — July 11, 2007 @ 1:04 pm

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