
July 11, 2007

Americans Hate Themselves

Filed under: Uncategorized — N @ 6:34 pm

Americans hate themselves, the government and the corporations that seem to control everything. According to a new Gallup poll the American public has downgraded its opinion of nearly all institutions to the suck level. Only roughly 20 percent of Americans believe that America is on the right track, even fewer than in November 2006 and that is pretty scary.

A recent Harris poll showed that in relation to a similar poll conducted in 2000, the public has less confidence in the press, medicine, major companies and Congress. Well definitely the press needs an ass kicking, as well as those corporation and their CEOs that got on the George W. Bush bandwagon and have watched that wagon crash and destroy the country. Republicans have tried to seize upon this saying that Congress, now run by Democrats, is ineffective. The problem with that argument is that both the Harris poll and the Gallup poll strongly favoring Democrats in the 2008 election.

What does it all mean? What it appears to mean is that the country, even those that chose to elect the worst administration in history, are realizing what a colossal screw up that was. It looks like the times are a changing with the possibility of a larger majority in Congress for the Democrats and a Democrat in the White House. This change comes just in time to stop the madness that this insane power mongering and warmongering administration has created.

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