
July 10, 2008

The Bright Side to Barak’s FISA Law

Filed under: Toon — Volt @ 7:13 pm

1 Comment

  1. Seems the O-Man stepped in something.
    The question from my narrow-minded POV is this:
    Who is Barak really courting here?
    If its new supporters then He surely could’nt pick a more idiotic spot to stand on,
    in view of the unconstitutional behaviors advocated by this admin in its quest to line elitest’ pockets ASAP and implement pet projects of the former CIA director,POTUS and Paternal Unit,namely HWB at the expense of every american
    not considered Eastern Socially Attractive(ESA).
    I personally cannot believe that Obama is a tool for the status quo idiocracy or maybe this is more PAC generated garbage intended to disillusion liberal voters.
    Sounds familiar.

    BTW,its good to be back in circulation again.
    I sorely missed all the curmudgeons here at the bartblog.

    Comment by Rainlander — July 10, 2008 @ 9:30 pm

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