
July 13, 2007

Gephardt Says Clinton Could Be Impeached – 1998

Filed under: Uncategorized — Bart @ 6:15 pm


House Minority Leader Dick Gephardt (D-Traitor), repeating his criticism of Clinton for his behavior in the Monica scandal, refused today to rule out the possibility of impeachment if the facts warrant such action.

Impeaching the president — and effectively overriding the election of 1996 — should not be undertaken lightly, Gephardt cautioned. Still, “that doesn’t mean it can’t be done or shouldn’t be done; you just better be sure you do it the right way.”

Gephardt said if Clinton were to leave office, “we’ll get through this.”

F-ing Democrats – Always having to be “fair.” Republicans would die before they allowed one of their own to be impeached while the weenie Democrats volunteer to be screwed.

How did I get is such a suicidal party?

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