
July 15, 2008


Filed under: Uncategorized — kerry @ 1:33 pm


President Bush said he gave up golf

because it sent the wrong message

with troops deployed in an overseas war.

Except when golf is a McCain fundraiser.

Despite Aversion To Golfing During The War,

Bush Will Attend A McCain Golf Fundraiser

Hosted By His Parents, MAMMY & PAPPY YOKUM!

In May, President Bush revealed that he had given up playing golf because of the Iraq war. “I think playing golf during a war just sends the wrong signal,” said Bush. Apparently though, he’s fine with golf as long as it raises money for GOP candidates.The DC Examiner reports that next Monday, Bush’s parents will be hosting a high-dollar golfing fundraiser for Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) near their home in Kennebunkport, ME:

According to a solicitation sent by the McCain camp, for the low, low price of $5,000, you can play a round of golf at Cape Arundel Golf Course, Bush’s home course.

Both President Bush and Governor Jeb Bush will be stopping by to greet the foursomes,” the missive promises. “The course is reserved for this private group, and VIPs will be visiting during your round of golf. This event is a great way to end a weekend getaway, and we would be honored if you can attend.”

It’s unclear what Bush will do while everyone else is ignoring the war and golfing. Perhaps he’ll ride around in golf carts or simply make swinging motions with his arms.

No word on whether Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice will attend but she may, considering that golf helps her while she’s “trying to stay in shape.” As ThinkProgress reported, Rice recently told the Golf Channel that despite the fact that Bush has given up golf to honor U.S. troops, she has been “playing and playing a lot” since the war began.

McCain also seems to have few qualms about golfing during wartime. In fact, on his campaign website, he sells golfing gear.

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