
July 15, 2008

Another One Under the “STRAIGHT TALK”Bus

Filed under: Uncategorized — kerry @ 2:04 pm


The John McCain campaign scrubbed its website today to remove all references to its Alabama campaign chairman, Attorney General Troy King.

We happened upon the scrubbing of the campaign website as we did fact-checking this afternoon. At about 2:30 p.m PDT, when we checked the McCain campaign website, we found a news release from January on this now-blank page announcing the Alabama politicians who had joined McCain’s “leadership team.” The list included King, who was indeed named state campaign chairman.

A few minutes after we published the article, a reader left a comment alerting us that the link to the McCain website led to the blank page that is there now.

A search on the campaign site for “Troy King” returned no results, however a Google search for “Troy King” and “John McCain” still produced a link to the now-blank McCain campaign webpage near the top of the results as of 4 p.m. today.

We happened to have the webpage open and so made the screen capture of it and grabbed the text:


  1. Another day,another gay republican.
    Word of this little scandal will drive the price
    of petroleum to near $250 dollars a barrel
    spark another S&L bankroll deeper tax-cuts for the ultra wealthy and of course McCain on the straight talk express giving whistle stop gaybashing sermons to his closeted
    Welcome to Hell on Earth 2008A.D.

    Comment by Rainlander — July 15, 2008 @ 5:19 pm

  2. Rain, you forgot to mention that it also means Dubya will need ANOTHER all expense paid vacation to exotic places at taxpayer’s expense. Accompanied of course by his wife #2, Condom-sleazy. (depending on her schedule of booty calls to the Mid East) ;O)

    How strange these repug males are, that boy bottoms are so much more acceptable than female mammary ….AHH, THE FAMILY VALUES PARTY!

    Comment by kerry — July 16, 2008 @ 10:41 am

  3. Hi Kerry,
    Good to see You again.
    Honestly it would not have occured to me that Gee-Dub would go on a legacy junket,as thick as Siam.
    Often need it spelled out.

    Do You mean the Homosexual party over at the La Quinta clubhouse thursday nights?

    Men having sex with many other men is the forbidden fruit of Evangelicals today,
    but at once was pretty much dont ask dont tell.
    The Rainbow Warriors have an extremely well established economy(I guess it is this one the NeoCons claim that We lefties do not understand and maybe we dont want to).
    Once the true-believer is lured into the community and experiences multiple pleasurings,then the gifts and favors begin, quid pro quo.
    Then denial and self-loathing set in but the gifts get better and the contracts,lets not forget those tasty lucrative cookies.
    Soon the once repressed homosexual is trying to juggle the double lifestyle and generally after
    a few years of sleepless nights start to lose control due to sleep-deprivation both from the
    group acts and from guilt and self loathing.

    One reason I dont face these hapless twinks on the forums is that I am not qualified
    as a de-programmer or psycho-therapist and renounced My calling.

    At one point in My life I shunned friends who fell into this cycle,I am ashamed to admit.
    These guys needed My support and I turned My back,mostly because I believed the Bible was the immutable word.
    I have one friend who actually forgave Me for the way I treated him and am happy to say We are good terms again though I wont take Him up on His offers of intamacy though they’ve become
    good natured ribbing as time has progressed.
    If You see this,Dude,I love You!
    Pass it on.

    Comment by Rainlander — July 17, 2008 @ 9:15 pm

  4. The Party (on) of Jeff Gannon. We still don’t know who let Jimmy/Jeff in and out of the White Hosue on those days when there was no press briefing scheduled or for what purpose. It had to be someone very highly-placed — Bush, Cheney, Rove — for him to leave without signing out. Good thing our media has better things to do — Madonna and A-Rod! — than ask what in hell is going on inside the White House with a former male prostitute. I’m sure they would have ignored it when Big Bill was president as well. ;)

    Comment by RS Janes — July 18, 2008 @ 8:01 am

  5. Good to see you back too Rain.

    Gannon is only the tip of an iceberg.

    Remember these?

    Forgotten Coverage of the
    White House “Call Boy” Scandal
    June 30, 1989

    Republican and conservative political leaders reacted cautiously yesterday to a report in The Washington Times that key Reagan and Bush administration officials are ensnared in a federal probe of homosexual prostitution.

    The focus of a summer sex scandal, Mr. Spence was found dead Friday in his room at the Ritz Carlton Hotel in Boston. He had celebrated his 49th birthday … – 49k -

    The Franklin Credit Union
    Child-Sex Ring Scandal

    Take Your Victim To The White House As A Guest of the GOP

    ‘Bush’s name had repeatedly surfaced in the Nebraska scandal. But his name was first put into print in July 1989, a little less than a month after the Washington call boy affair had first made headlines. Omaha’s leading daily newspaper reported, “One child, who has been under psychiatric care, is said to believe she saw George Bush at one of King’s parties.”

    Consiracy of Silence video, Child sex ring that reached Bush Sr’s Whitehouse. Cover up.

    Conspiracy of Silence – Illuminati Pedophiles in Washington D.C. (documentary) – 55 min VIDEO

    Does anyone think for one minute that the repug hypocrites have cleaned up their act? Or any of the many other prominent people involved!

    Comment by kerry — July 18, 2008 @ 8:57 pm

  6. Kerry,
    Thanks for that.
    Its no surprise to me,
    These People exist in a whole different United States then the rest of us.
    Its why the African-Americans celebrated the O.J.Simpson trial as they did,
    They felt that a Black Man finally aquired enough gets to beat a murder rap.

    Any desire or whim is made available to the plutocracy and with no repercussions for their actions.
    This explains why They cannot understand the simple concept of blowback.

    I hope You dont mind Kerry, but I forwarded the toon about Santa’s demise at the hands of Jim Inhofe to People in My inbox.
    The latest Bullshit I heard was that He is trying to apeal to the environmentally consciencence evangelicals with a program
    called as improbable as it sounds:Now We get it!
    Inhofe has reversed his stand that global warming may actually be based on human activities such as manufacturing but that polluters should not be made to clean up their act as this can punish the world’s poor people.
    You can’t make this shit up.
    People like this make me wish I still believed
    in damnation as I’d surely have a ringside seat to that shit, for all eternity.

    Comment by Rainlander — July 19, 2008 @ 12:11 pm

  7. Hi Rain,

    Delighted you liked the Santa ‘toon’ enough to share it. Please feel free to do the same with any of the others that I do. ;O)
    They are showing up all over the web.

    I you think Inhofe puts out BS, I subscribed to a repug site in order to get a FREE book they were touting on how to defeat Obama to see what they were up to. I had forgotten how expensive FREE things could be. Fortunately I used an alias and another mailbox under that name because they subscribed me to dozens of repug newsletters from Nazis Ann Coulter, O’Riley, Limbaugh and all the nutcase TV evangelists to name a few. (I get about 50 to 100 per week now) At first I was ticked off but decided to read some of the more provocative titles and use the crap they spiel for some of my ‘toon’ ideas. LOL You wouldn’t believe the stuff they send out, especially knowing that the majority of those who pay to subscribe to their full newsletters (I didn’t pay anything!)and buy their books really are sucked in, hook, line and sinker to their garbage. Talk about misery loving company!!!

    What can you expect from a people who believe in a ‘loving deity’ who tells his ‘chosen people’ to eat their own feces and drink their own urine, and boasts that he creates both the good and the evil?

    The good bible thumping xtian fundies will tell you that “Jesus died for your sins” but they live like they believe he died so they COULD sin! LOL

    One thing I feel that really blew the prosecution’s case on OJ was when the female reporter played a tape of DETECTIVE FUHRMAN using the n word after he testified that he had never used it. No one bothered to see that for what it was, a male showing off to a female reporter he thought could further his hopes for a writing/acting career with tough talk about a character he wanted to write about and possibly play the role in a movie or serial. I dare say that most if not all of us have use derogatory racial slang at some point in our lives but few have ever called a person one of the terms face to face. That is what the prosecution neglected to bring out or emphasize. When Fuhrman said he never used the term I believe that is what he meant but no distinction was made between the usages. So naturally he was branded as a racist and his testimony as biased and the case went down the toilet.

    I love poetic justice and hope to live long enough to see the whole gang of bushites and cronies GET THEIRS! ;o)

    Have a good weekend.


    Comment by kerry — July 19, 2008 @ 4:12 pm

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