
July 15, 2007

Saudia Arabia Provides Most Foreign Fighters In Iraq

Filed under: Uncategorized — N @ 4:28 pm

Think about this the next time you fill up your car’s gas tank. According to US Military sources 45% of foreign fighters and suicide bombers in Iraq come from Saudi Arabia. That’s right our so called ally whose oil we are addicted to has more of its citizens going to Iraq to kill American soldiers than any other country including two of Bush’s favorite targets, Iran and Syria. In addition, more than half of the foreign fighters currently detained by the US in Iraq are from Saudi Arabia.

Fighters from Saudi Arabia are thought to have carried out more suicide bombings than those of any other country, according to a senior U.S. Officer. This is apparently the first time any U.S. official has given a breakdown on the role played by Saudi nationals in Iraq’s Sunni Arab insurgency. Nice. We got some great allies.

Why are we willing to put up with this kind of bullshit from our allies. Because we are junkies and the Saudis have us by our junkie balls. Without Saudi oil we are screwed. Under current economic conditions it would be impossible for the US to buy enough oil from other sources to make up the difference if we split from Saudi Arabia. With the Bush administration making little or no effort in other energy areas, it is unlikely that we will move away from our dependence on Saudi oil. So for the foreseeable future our producers of our needed oil will take our money while at the same time trying to kill us.

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