
July 15, 2007

Bush and Chertoff Revive Terrorism Scare To Distract Public

Filed under: News,Opinion — N @ 7:45 pm

Homeland Security Chief Michael Chertoff made comments recently that the United States should expect some kind of terrorist attack this summer. Why? Ah, because, well, because there’s terrorist attacks happening  in other places.

What places you ask. Well, Chertoff points to the recent attempted attacks in London and Glasgow in Great Britain as proof that we should be worried about an attack on US soil. Now I realize that that those incidents occurred and were clearly dangerous, but they did occur across the ocean in another country far off in Europe. Additionally, there is terrorism happening all over the world on a daily basis by groups that claim allegiance to Al Qaeda.  So why these and why now?

In a discussion with the Chicago Tribune Chertoff explained why these attacks are linked to his theory that we will be attacked. “All these things have given me kind of a gut feeling that we are in a period of increased vulnerability.” Okay, here we go again with another one of Bush’s people with gut feelings. Do any these people think things out or do they wait for their stomach rumble to tell them what to do.

Gut feelings are absolute bullshit when you are dealing with something with the magnitude of a terrorist attack. This may not be Tom Ridge’s color coded madness that kept the fear in people through Bush’s first term, but its close. Chertoff offers no hard evidence that we will be attacked. Kind of a coincidence. During Bush’s first term whenever he needed to hide something he had the terrorism threat cranked up to distract the public. Maybe his disaster in Iraq and the prosecutor firings are bringing back the old Bush reaction. Probably, but what a messed up reason to scare the shit out of the American people.

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