
July 16, 2007

Bush Proposes Mid East Peace Intiative While Waging War Against It

Filed under: Uncategorized — N @ 8:10 pm

I’ll make this short and sweet. George W. Bush (R-Moron) has proposed a Middle East peace initiative today. Awesome. Only problem with the initiative is its six years and a bloody illegal war too late. All of a sudden Bush thinks Middle East peace, particularly between Israel and the Palestinians, is really, really important.

The idea of Middle East peace has been a really important idea for a very long time. When Bush took office he basically decided to have a hands off approach to the Israeli/Palestinian problem. With the absence of US help and pressure the Palestinian state was taken over by Hamas and now a small civil war between Hamas and Fatah has broken out. Add to this lack of leadership in this area, starting and prolonging a bloody war in Iraq for no reason. This war had done nothing positive instead it that has inflamed radical Muslims turning them toward Al Qaida like groups.

Bush hopes to bring other nations in the Middle East to the peace process. The problem there is that none of them trust him and none can really be considered allies. Bush has managed to do more damage to the Middle East than any of his predecessors since the creation of the Jewish state.

One sure fire way for Bush to jump start the Middle East peace process is to get out of Iraq now and admit its failure. Then he may make some headway with other Middle East nations key to the success of Middle East peace. Since that won’t happen nothing else will. Bush is again blowing smoke to try to cover his many screw ups.

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