
August 15, 2008


Filed under: Uncategorized — kerry @ 12:17 pm


Lawmen say they saw mythical Texas animal

CUERO, Texas, Aug. 12 (UPI) — Two deputies in rural south Texas say they may have sighted a chupacabra, a hairless, short-legged creature that has long been a part of regional folklore.

Cpl. Brandon Riedel told KSAT in San Antonio he was in the midst of a training session Friday with a new recruit to the DeWitt County Sheriff’s Department when they saw the animal running down a dirt road. He grabbed his video camera.

“You need to record something like this because it’s not every day you find something that looks like this running around out in the middle of the county,” he said.

Riedel is not completely convinced the animal is a chupacabra. It has a long snout that looks coyote-like.

Last year, a rancher found a carcass he said appeared to be a chupacabra. Some residents say there is no point in being too skeptical.

“It’s like every good urban legend,” Erik McCowan said. “Maybe it’s better to just think it is the chupacabra and just leave it at that.” 


  1. I saw the footage,it was a Dingo.
    Probably escaped from some dipshits ranch.
    If I ever become president the wall is going up on the red river and all texans not naturalised
    will be deported back to Texico.
    Simple rule here:
    If You can’t learn to abide by the local customs
    and laws that We all live by,then You need to go home.
    Learn to speak English for crying out loud,
    I hear Okies saying Bar for a Barrow ditch.
    I think they got stuck in ditch outside a bar.
    And its not a Wheelbar its a Wheelbarrow.
    But the one that really has Me seeing red is calling Roosevelt,Rewzuhvelt and the duller Okies are saying it now that way.
    Roosevelt comes from the netherlands from Rostefelt which means Field of Roses.
    Not some Ignant Archie Bunker crap making FDR into some kind of Con-Man,He tried to help those
    poor Hay-Barbers and They hate him for it.
    Add to that all the N-word jokes and crappy driving skills,tailgating,no turnsignal even in passing,driving 90 MPH as they run meth on turnpikes,throwing trash out the windows,I can’t stand it.
    Tom Delay alone is reason enough to do it.
    However,The Oklahoma Universities will be granted special permission to recruit away the best atheletes as it would break a 50+ year tradition to let them keep them.
    They’re gonna get de-annexed,You just hide and watch.
    Rainlander 2012,Oh Yeah Baby!

    Comment by Rainlander — August 15, 2008 @ 6:07 pm

  2. Here is the You Tube version of what I saw:

    Comment by Rainlander — August 16, 2008 @ 8:54 am

  3. Rain if you think driving in OK is bad, try Tijuana. LOL

    Thanks for the utube link, I cannot get the yahoo videos to load.

    You are in rare form again today, sure would like to know what kind of Kickapoo Joy Juice you’re imbibing. ;O)

    Comment by kerry — August 16, 2008 @ 1:49 pm

  4. Kerry,
    Friday night and big old box of Peter Vella’s
    Chardonay with no dinner.
    I guess I was on a tirade.
    I can’t imagine anyone driving worse than the Dallas crowd.
    A friend of mine drives for a great parcel service that has three well known initials drives a double and sometimes triple PUP
    down from OaK City there and back three times a day if you can count after midnight as day.
    He has been in many accidents despite all the computer/GPS/sidescan radar built into those new Volvo’s they have now.
    This guy is so laid back that his truck is bound and determined that he is always going to sleep because it can’t find his pulse on the steering wheel and it cant always hear him breathing so He has to call into the monitoring system similar to Onstar and reassure them that He’s alright everytime BB or in the Military parlance the “Bitchin’ Betty” scolds him.
    I seem to recall that He was in 4 or maybe 5 rollovers last year and this guy is one of the best wranglers that I have ever seen.
    The DOT has absolved him everytime after the summary investigations,which no one likes.
    If I must go to Big D,its by train and then I take the bus,the Pachuga’s dont scare me at least compared to the so-called drivers down there.
    I’ve been in more than a few dustups down at the lil’ dixie roadhouses so I’m fairly comfortable with those situations,
    in a car or truck you cant always parley or likeways bully those kinds of threats.
    Denver or Cincinatti might run neck and neck second place for the worst.
    Now People in the northern border states are pretty good drivers,I expected the worst up there and damned if They dont know how to handle themselves.
    I do love to see the news footage when the Texicans get 1/4 of snow,its like a demolition derby on the 6 o’clock news,They’re thinking that four wheel drive truck is the same as qualifying in a prototype at Daytona.
    Hell,here I go again.
    I do like to bitch,what can I say?

    Comment by Rainlander — August 16, 2008 @ 4:07 pm

  5. Bitch away my friend, it is one of the few highlights of my day. LOL

    Comment by kerry — August 17, 2008 @ 12:19 pm

  6. Kerry,
    I get the impression that I come across similar to Chevy Chase in Christmas Vacation in that scene where He raises hell about his Boss Frank Shirley compelling cousin Eddie to go out and kidnap him.
    I guess all Texans aint so bad,My Nephew is a Professor at a great eastern university and He was born in Amarillo.
    I’m mighty proud of the boy.
    Glad the rants brightend up your day,it helps me too.
    Gawd knows there isnt much good news out there
    and things have gotten way too serious lately.

    Comment by Rainlander — August 17, 2008 @ 1:48 pm

  7. I loved those movies. LOL Have known many people so like the characters in them, especially cousin Eddie types.

    It has been bad here too for 3 days and nights with the fires only 12 miles away, thick smoke, strong, hot winds and 11 fire alarms in less than 24 hours, ringing out loud and screeching 1/2 block away from my house, directly across the road from me. Little sleep in case I had to make a quick exit with my furkid and hard drives. About 3 drops of rain last night which reduced the smoke and a bit cooler today with less wind but the helicopters just started going over the house again a few minutes ago with water to dump so I don’t think the worst is over yet. Will try to get a quick nap so I can stay up late again.

    Comment by kerry — August 19, 2008 @ 6:16 pm

  8. Wow,
    I knew the fires were near your area but that sounds hellish indeed.
    Bolt out of there at the first sign of trouble,
    You can always return,just dont get cut off.
    We are drowning here with non-stop rain,
    maybe some will head Your way.
    Oh yeah then come the mudslides,damn.
    Much luck to You,Amigo!

    Comment by Rainlander — August 19, 2008 @ 7:27 pm

  9. Thanks Rain,

    The fire has moved a few miles farther south, helicopters still going over with water buckets all day yesterday and this AM. No mudslide worry here, but in other areas a definite possibility. Smoke not so bad today YET! At least until the wind comes up.

    Water here is undrinkable and when getting low it smells like dead fish from the tap. Hard to take a shower when it smell like that. I installed a 5 gallon stainless steel distiller in my laundry room which is much more economical than buying drinking water and I know what I’m getting. Can’t let more water down though, gotta save those “SACRED SUCKER FISH” which are not fit for food. An Indian I know told me they are sacred because every year they catch a few thousand of them, beat them to death with sticks, burn them and sprinkle the remains in the river (polluting it) so the “GREAT SPIRIT” will give them good fishing the next year. To hell with humans!

    Comment by kerry — August 22, 2008 @ 12:18 pm

  10. Kerry,
    It seems You are in fine form and its mighty good to hear.
    Remember no fish for anyone unless the river is blessed with the ashes of peamouth’s.

    Comment by Rainlander — August 22, 2008 @ 5:01 pm

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