
August 18, 2008


Filed under: Uncategorized — kerry @ 1:24 pm



The American School Where Teachers Carry a Pen, a Ruler and … a Gun

Andrew Clark, The Guardian UK: “When teachers return for a new school term in the tiny Texas farming town of Harrold, they can bring a extra tool of the trade alongside books, pens and worksheets. To defend pupils from any gun-toting maniacs, they can carry loaded pistols into the classroom. With barely 300 residents, the remote rural community in the state’s northern dustbowl has appalled gun control advocates by becoming the first in the US to allow its teachers to bear concealed firearms.”


  1. A Thompson street sweeper,how traditional.
    And She’s opted for the .38 cal. with its greater
    rate of fire,ammunition capacity and accuracy over distance than the vulgar .50 cal..
    Sexy and smart.

    Comment by Rainlander — August 18, 2008 @ 11:00 pm

  2. Oh dear Rain, such a short message! I can only conclude that you were in a rush to get to Texas and enroll in her class. LOL

    Comment by kerry — August 19, 2008 @ 6:19 pm

  3. Kerry,
    What really bothers Me here is that the shooters in the past have been students.
    The pretence here is that the schools face some kind of external threat from roaming lunatics looking for a place to gain infamy.
    The Truthout article pointed out that the shooters were more often than not victims of
    bullying and ostracization from their peers,what
    would reduce this are classes with a cirriculum
    that focus on self-worth and respect,many schools have a poorly enforced “no bullying” policy but with no preventative education.
    What this new policy will in my opinion achieve is to put weapons in easy reach and with an absence of law enforcement provide ample time for escape.
    The real intent here is to sell handguns as this model program gains momentum and spreads across the country.
    The solution to all the new violence in the schools will be to introduce Bible classes and it will start in a stricken community and spread
    until it becomes a mandate.
    Soon the type of service will become the important matter and schizms will occur.
    Following in the footsteps of every other nation that has chosen religion and superior fire power over humanity,the USA will become as the middle east,rife with sectarian violence and anarchy with the person holding the gun being the one in charge.
    Welcome back to the United States of Hell
    circa 1849-1939 then 2008-20xx A.D.
    All in my opinion of course.
    Hows that?

    Comment by Rainlander — August 20, 2008 @ 7:34 am

  4. Rain,
    I have seen this crap coming since way back when the fundies forced their god into The Pledge Of Allegiance and onto our money!

    Now they are claiming to “TAKE BACK AMERICA FOR GOD” too ignorant to know enough of our history to understand that our country was founded to get away from any one religion being forced on all. Fewer even know that Muslims too were involved in building early America. You can’t “TAKE BACK” something you never had!

    Kerry, from the doorway to Hell! LOL

    Comment by kerry — August 22, 2008 @ 12:29 pm

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