
September 2, 2008

Palin’s Attempt at Abortion by God

Filed under: Uncategorized — daveb @ 8:23 am

So it seems Sarah Palin did EVERYTHING wrong once she learned her water broke with her fifth child. Apparently that child had already been diagnosed as a Down’s Syndrome child and she knew it. So the story isn’t that she hid the pregnancy of her teen girl but that she tried her best to abort the handicapped child she was having that might weigh her down like an anchor.


  1. That’s a reach, and a short one at that. I am, however, laughing my ass off over this:

    “Nicolle Wallace, a senior McCain adviser, told ABC’s “Good Morning America” on Tuesday that Palin disclosed her daughter’s pregnancy during the vetting process, and that the McCain campaign had been forced to reveal the pregnancy publicly Monday because of “lewd and outrageously false rumors” spread by “Democratic-leaning blogs and a few in the mainstream” media. She did not identify them.”

    1. John McCain is willing to throw a pregnant teenager under the wheels of the Straight Talk Express rather than ignore “lewd and outrageously false rumors” about his running mate.
    2. The mother of the teenager in question agreed that this was a good strategy.
    3. Who’s the Mommy Party now? And aren’t we talking about “Mommy Dearest” when you get right down to it. “No wire hangers” takes on new significance when it comes to Palin family politics it seems.

    Comment by Joanne from WI — September 2, 2008 @ 12:49 pm

  2. Right wing fundi xtian values at it’s finest!

    Comment by kerry — September 2, 2008 @ 1:08 pm

  3. Make a note please:

    Comment by Rainlander — September 2, 2008 @ 2:51 pm

  4. I have watched several video clips of mommy dearest parading her brood before the media and “explaining” how happy the family is over her unwed daughter’s pregnancy etc. etc. etc.

    What struck me as so sad was the look on the pregnant girl’s face while she was standing behind mama as Palon went on and on, playing to the media and the other children’s blank/bored stares as they played window dressing to “THE CHEERLEADER”.

    Comment by kerry — September 2, 2008 @ 5:34 pm

  5. Kerry,
    The same old dirty tricks,they never tire of them do they?
    Parading around the Fetus Incubation Device
    and dareing anyone to attack her.
    It sure did’nt stop them from attacking the whitehouse dog though did it?
    What needs to be pointed out here is way the fundies absolutely can not stand the idea of Sex Education and Abstinence Education being supplied on the public dollar,leaving it to Mom
    and Dad to provide in the time they have left after working numerous jobs just to put food on the family and carry the tax burden.
    See how that works?

    Comment by Rainlander — September 2, 2008 @ 6:02 pm

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