
September 3, 2008

HOCKEY MOMMY Sleazy repug “family values”

Filed under: Uncategorized — kerry @ 1:56 pm



Can anyone explain just what benifit this kind of carnival sideshow could possibly be to the nomination of a presidential candidate?

Sarah Palin to unveil teen dad Levi Johnston at convention

September 03, 2008

THE teenager expecting a baby with the unmarried 17-year-old daughter of Sarah Palin is expected to be publicly unveiled at the Republican Party convention.

But Levi Johnston, 18, has created a further stir, describing himself on his MySpace page as a “redneck who likes to snowboard and ride dirt bikes”.

The description appears in a profanity-laden entry posted by Johnston that was made private over the weekend, but not before several media outlets published parts of it.

Johnston, who is to marry Palin’s pregnant daughter Bristol, is reportedly flying to the St Paul, Minnesota, convention after being outed by international media.

He played ice hockey at Bristol’s high school and the Palin camp says the teenage couple will get married.

But in Johnston’s MySpace entry, the teenager hints that fatherhood was not in his immediate plans.

Johnston says he is “in a relationship,” but on the question about how he feels about children he said: “I don’t want kids.”  He also says his true love is ice hockey.

Here’s part of his entry before it was made private: ‘I’m a f–kin’ redneck who likes to snowboard and ride dirt bikes. But I live to play hockey. I like to go camping and hang out with the boys, do some fishing, shoot some s–t and just f–kin’ chillin’ I guess. Ya f–k with me I’ll kick ass.”

Republican presidential candidate John McCain says he is satisfied that Palin’s background was properly checked before the Alaska Governor became his vice-presidential running-mate.

“The vetting process was completely thorough and I’m grateful for the results,” McCain said.

Questions about the review came up after news surfaced that Bristol was pregnant and that the Alaska Governor has retained a private lawyer to represent her in an investigation into the firing of the state public safety commissioner.

The lawyer who conducted the background review said Palin voluntarily told McCain’s campaign about Bristol’s pregnancy, and about her husband’s two-decade-old drink-driving arrest during questioning as part of the vice-presidential search process.

McCain’s campaign has been trying to tamp down questions about whether the Arizona senator’s team adequately researched his surprise vice-presidential selection.

Since McCain publicly disclosed his running mate on Friday, the notion of a shoddy, rushed review has been stoked repeatedly.

In St Paul, Minnesota, campaign advisers vehemently defended the Palin review.,25197,24286746-2703,00.html

This will surely be a wonderful incentive to vote for the McSleazy repug “family values” team!


  1. The telepromptor screwed up last night. Sarah gave more than half her speech from memory. Could you do that Kerry? No you could not.
    The gas pipeline to be built to bring gas to the lower 48 had been in debate in the Alaska for 30 years. Sarah got it done in less than 2 years and now it is being built.
    When gas prices went to $5.00 per gallon, she pushed successfully to give $1200.00 to every alaskan to defer those costs.
    She could kick your liberal ass in hocky and will in politics.
    Be afraid, Kerry, this lady is going to put John McCain in the white house and we are going to see real change.
    Your sputtering personal attacks are pitiful, and what’s more you have nothing else.
    You are staring in the face of competence and it’s going to pour syrup on you (to sweeten you up) then have you for lunch.

    Comment by grimgold — September 4, 2008 @ 11:24 am

  2. How do you know Kerry couldn’t memorize a speech? Can Sarah Palin use Photoshop?
    Has natural gas been nationalized? Or are we building a pipeline to save the energy corps from spending their profits?
    If you have a crush on the really hot Republican lady, that’s OK.But don’t fool yourself she’s competent.

    Comment by bittershaman2 — September 4, 2008 @ 1:25 pm

  3. Only HALF a speech?

    I’ve given hour long speeches long before teleprompters were used, on the technology, research and potential health and learning benefits obtained with the use of Bio Feedback equipment and Biogenic therapy!

    Afraid? Surely you jest! I’m not a neocon!!! LOL

    You must be confused with Bush and McClone’s sputtering and stuttering. HAHAHAHA

    TSK TSK grim, just when I was beginning to give you credit for having MORE than TWO brain cells!

    Watching the repug convention last night reminded me of what the word HOCKEY meant when I was a child!

    Comment by kerry — September 4, 2008 @ 4:59 pm

  4. bittershaman, these repug neocons sure do get riled up and nasty when they are getting a dose of what they have been dishing out for years don’t they? ROFLOL

    Remember how orgasmic they were when The National Enquirer exposed Edward’s affair? Well watch them scream about what The Enquirer has dug up about Holy Mother Sara Palin, and now McCain is threatening to sue them over it. Don’t you just love Poetic Justice! LOL

    Comment by kerry — September 4, 2008 @ 5:03 pm

  5. Its Sarah Palins finest hour but
    The shit wont hit the fan for another two weeks
    when Ted Stevens phase of the trial begins,
    then We find out just much Palin and Stevens were in bed together.
    A little fact checking of Sarahs speech last night points up the bastard version of truth.

    This is just the tip of the iceberg as they say.

    Comment by Rainlander — September 4, 2008 @ 10:13 pm

  6. Bitter, Kerry, you are right. I was beginning to get overwrought.
    I’m not taking back my main point : ‘Your sputtering personal attacks are pitiful’ but I did get a little silly.
    It felt good too (gasp!).
    HORRORS! It’s you guys’s effect on me – gotta be.
    I’ve decided I’m going to go away until after the election. I’m interested in doing my bit to improve things, not attack people. My focus is more on issues,as you know, because it’s a better use of my time.
    You guys are fun.
    See you after Nov 4.

    Comment by grimgold — September 5, 2008 @ 10:21 am

  7. Grim, I disagree with you almost all the time, but I think you try to use reason as a basis of your beliefs. You can actually write a proper sentence to try to explain your reasoning, also.
    I think you got hit by the Republican version of Obama fever. I asked my longtime Republican mother yesterday how she felt about McCain/Palin. After eyeing me suspiciously looking for a secret attack, she told me.
    She feels Republicans can “finally come back out of the closet again”. She thinks Palin is “just great”. She loves her even though she knows nothing about her stand on any issues.
    The only thing I asked my mother was if she really thought Palin was qualified to be President. She replied that as long as McCain stayed alive for a year or so, “so she can get the hang of the job” that Palin would be a wonderful President. So Palin obviously has some sort of charisma going, not just attractive legs.
    Maybe I’ll just write in Russ Feingold. No charisma, but honest and competent.

    Comment by bittershaman2 — September 5, 2008 @ 10:48 am

  8. AWWWWWW grim, running away? Like most neocons who can dish it but can’t take it? TSK TSK And another mind reader at that. LOL

    Sorry you are so bitter but admire your courage in admitting it.

    You still seem confused about who is sputtering, it is McHorney drooling and spewing spit over Sara’s behind while she makes speeches. HAHA

    So sorry you feel personally attacked, perhaps it is a symptom of guilt from you doing it to others.

    Will miss your little nasty attacks and pompous judgments, erroneous as they are.

    Moose hunting and beating someone’s ass at hockey, obviously a turn on for you and McFoolish who can’t take his eyes off her ass, but hardly my criteria for choosing a VP who would most likely become prez considering age of the horny old fart she is running with. Between the two of them they will set women’s issues back to the dark ages.

    Comment by kerry — September 5, 2008 @ 11:04 am

  9. Rain, I went to the link and after an hour or reading put it on my favorites list. WOW!!!

    Obviously Palin will be a great adition to the “DRILL’EM! KILL’EM! & BILL’EM!” regime.

    She reminds me of some of those fraulines that high ranking Nazis kept around in WW11.

    Comment by kerry — September 5, 2008 @ 11:14 am

  10. Bitter, you are right again (aaaaah!). I took my temperature and it was feverish. Sarah is the first real conservative I’ve seen in a while. Mac certainly is not. Truthfully, I was going to write in Paris Hilton for president I was so disgusted.
    I don’t see how you could possibly disagree with me on my views about inflation!
    Kerry, You are also right (first and probably last time). I am a little bitter. GW was the first person I actually liked and he turned out to be a complete dumb-ass disappointment. I think our best recent years were when Bill and the Republican majority were running things.
    Now look! I’m leaving. I don’t need to expose myself to the boatloads of hateful horseshit that typify campaigns.
    Your gonna miss me Kerry!

    Comment by grimgold — September 5, 2008 @ 12:41 pm

  11. ROFLMBO!!! Grim, your baaaack? I missed you terribly.

    In what way did I disagree with your views on inflation?

    C’mon grimmy, you KNOW I’ve been correct (NEVER RIGHT!);o) MORE than once. After all, I AM a BARTCOPPER! LOL

    Of course I will miss you! (((0)))

    Take care of that temp.

    Comment by kerry — September 5, 2008 @ 1:18 pm

  12. Kerry, I’m not back! You are imaginating again.

    And I was speaking to Bitter.

    However I don’t mind leaving you with a short piece written by Yours Truly on the subject of inflation; 250 conservative words – more than you’ve read in a long time at one sitting, I’m sure.
    See you after Nov 4!

    Inflation Creates Poor People.

    Inflation is not prices going up. That is a result of greater demand or short supply.
    Inflation is the dollar becoming worth less, because the government is printing more of them. Obviously, if the dollar is worth less, all prices will rise – but not because of market forces.
    FDR took us off the gold standard and began printing fiat money in an attempt to get the country out of the Great Depression. This was supposed to be a temporary answer, not permanent, so don’t blame FDR.
    But as it happens, we’ve had fiat currency and the resulting inflation ever since. Do I think we need to go back on a gold standard? Not necessarily, but we need a currency that has a net zero inflation because inflation slowly, silently, insidiously, creates more poor people as their buying power melts away. Today’s dollar is worth about four cents.
    This is a problem everyone should be concerned about because it adversely affects the poor and elderly.

    The fact is that only the federal government benefits from inflation.

    Everyone else suffers, especially the poor and those on fixed incomes. Inflation creates poor people and the Fed can put a stop to it any time it wants to.
    Inflation should not “be under control.” That just means the less fortunate are being screwed more slowly. Inflation should be non-existent.
    We had no inflation for 120 years and can have it again.
    Please think about this – it should be an issue.
    Inflation creates poor people.

    Comment by grimgold — September 5, 2008 @ 2:52 pm

  13. OOOOhhhh grimmy, it is you who are feverish. LOL I hate long goodbyes so why don’t you admit you are addicted to bartblog like the rest of us and quit pretending to leave. LOL

    Comment by kerry — September 7, 2008 @ 10:16 am

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