
September 4, 2008


Filed under: Uncategorized — kerry @ 4:29 pm




People’s children are off limits? This is not about her daughter bristol, no one is attacking her daughter… this is about another GOP corrupt politician who wants to be vice-president or president.
We don’t need it… not another 4 or 8 years of lying corrupt president and vice-president…. we had enough of bush and cheney…
this is about Palin lies,cover-ups and misconduct.“Gov. Palin needs to take a DNA or blood test to prove that baby trig is hers… all the evidence is supporting that the baby belongs to Bristol, her daughter.
I saw pictures and VIDEO of gov. palin when she CLAIMED to be 7 and 8 months pregnant, AND SHE DIDn’t look freakin 7 or 8 months preganant to me… I have six children by two different women so I freakin know what a 7 and 8 month pregnant woman looks like. Palin was not pregnant with trig, bristol was.
If Bristol is now pregnant a second time or her 2nd pregnancy is a hoax to force her to marry her boyfriend to cover up for gov palin scandal…… faux-lame and biased news channel and other media outlets who support the GOP are trying to cover-up the scandal… and the oabama campaign is too scared to touch the issue cause they are just scared of being called a sexist for busting Palin’s chops.
NEWS FLASH: A rumor is not a rumor when evidence to support the claim exist… OVERWHELMING EVIDENCE!!!!”


1. Palin got on a airplane journey for 8 hours after she started labor??  BULL—S—T!!

1. After arriving in Alaska, she Then drove for 45 minutes to a far away hostpital not near her home/city.

2. The flight attendants said palin showed no-visible signs of her being in labor or that she was pregnant!!!

3. Bristol her daughter was the one who was showing signs of being pregnant in photos and at school.

4. Palin took her daughter out of school when she was 16 and claimed she had mono for 5 months. Baby trig was born while bristol was out of school.

5. Classmates at bristol school said bristol was pregnant at 16 and they saw her at school with visible signs.

6. Palin’s husband was heard talking to an co-employee and told an employee at work his daughter was pregnant.

7. The baby’s name is Trig, which stands for Trigonometry, which is a math class that all teenagers take after geometry in high scool.

8. Palin is already under investigation for several other cover-ups and scandals.

9. The doctor that may be involved in this baby-gate scandal could be in for a real big medical malpractice scandal.

10. Palins state and town is very small and everyone knows everyone…. and nobody knew palin was 8 months pregnant…. not 1 visible freaking sign at 8 months pregnant??

11. Everytime Palin went on camera or photos she did not look pregnant, or she hid her stomach.

12. Recently palin announces her daughter is pregnant to try and make the problem go away, but it won’t because we are not as stupid and the GOP thinks.

13. Republican Vice Presidential nominee Sarah Palin attempted to quietly have her daughter Bristol get married before news of her pregnancy leaked out.  Palin planned for the wedding to take place right after the Republican National Convention and then she was going to announce the pregnancy.  But Bristol, now 17, refused to go along with the plan and that sparked a mother-daughter showdown over the failed coverup. Bristol’s boyfriend has stated and has posted on his blog that he DOESN’T WANT CHILDREN!

14. No such birth record exists of governer Palin giving birth at the hospital she claimed to have given birth.
Show me a birth certificate that shows gov. Palin and her husband as the father and mother of this baby Trig, and I’ll show you a federal investigation right after… because that would mean that gov. Palin abused her power once again with the hospital and doctor to do her a favor in saying the baby belongs to Gov. Palin which is a lie.

Do your own research before you judge this scandal. Below are a few links to review and make your own decision.
My question is: Who is the baby’s real  mother, father? Palin’s husband? the math teacher? the boyfriend? or someone else? We the people need to find out and get to the bottom of this scandal…

Gov. Palin’s down syndrome baby “Trig” may not be her’s.. It is highly possible the baby came from her 16yr old daughter “bristol”…

The question is: Can anyone see medical records of Sarah Palin? If she isn’t forthcoming with hospital documentation, the whole thing will get REALLY big, really fast — a lot bigger (and a lot faster) than any pregnancy…
Is Bristol Palin Baby Trig’s Mother? Evidence & Pictures… watch this video:–pictures.aspxHere are some pics of Sara Palin’s daughter with alcohol and proud of it :) The last picture of Sarah Palin and Bristol holding the baby, looks more like Bristol’s baby than Sarah’s.
Consuming alcohol and drugs while pregnant can cause development of fetal alcohol syndrome and Down’s Syndrome and boy can that little lady consume.   Where was mama Palin while her underage daughter was imbibing?


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