
September 8, 2008

Jesus For President?

Filed under: Uncategorized — alex @ 7:33 am


The Republicans have chosen Alaska Governor Sarah Palin to be their candidate for Vice President. There has been a lot of sound and fury in the media about the pregnancy, or potential cover-up of the pregnancy of her daughter. I don’t care about that at all, it is irrelevant to Palin’s qualifications to serve as Vice President. People should stop focusing on it because there is a much more significant issue at stake.

What we must consider is the world-view and psychological makeup of Sarah Palin. Local corruption scandals aside, (I assume that EVERY candidate is corrupt) it doesn’t bother me that Palin is into guns and oil, and against abortion; these things are standard GOP stuff. What concerns me about Palin is her church.

If John McCain wins or steals the election, he would be the oldest President in US history. McCain’s health is a real consideration. The man has had cancer before. If he were to die while in office (this has happened to 8 of 42 presidents, or about 20% ) Sarah Palin would be Commander-in-Chief of the most powerful military in the history of the planet. She could press the red button.

Why is this a problem? From reading the website of her church, the Wasilla Assembly of God, it appears that Palin’s religion is one that eagerly anticipates doomsday, the battle of Armagaeddon, the rapture, and all the rest of the death-cult fantasies that Evangelical Christianity and Radical Islam share. If Palin believes what her church professes,
we may be in some serious trouble.

Here is the “What We Believe” statement of Palin’s church. It lists the “16 Fundamental Truths of the Assemblies of God.” It says “These are non-negotiable tenets of faith that all Assemblies of God churches adhere to. This list is derived from the official Statement of Fundamental Truths.” I recommend copying it before it is taken down.

Among the greatest hits from that list,

“WE BELIEVE…The Initial Physical Evidence of the Baptism in the Holy Spirit is Speaking in Tongues, as experienced on the Day of Pentecost and referenced throughout Acts and the Epistles.”

“WE BELIEVE…in The Blessed Hope. When Jesus Raptures His Church Prior to His Return to Earth (the second coming). At this future moment in time all believers who have died will rise from their graves and will meet the Lord in the air, and Christians who are alive will be caught up with them, to be with the Lord forever.”

“WE BELIEVE…A Final Judgment Will Take Place for those who have rejected Christ. They will be judged for their sin and consigned to eternal punishment in a punishing lake of fire.”

“WE BELIEVE…and look forward to the perfect New Heavens and a New Earth that Christ is preparing for all people, of all time, who have accepted Him. We will live and dwell with Him there forever following His millennial reign on Earth.”

To summarize, they believe in rolling around on the floor and babbling “divinely inspired” gibberish. They believe that they will one day, perhaps soon, be beamed up to heaven just before the onset of a great world war. They believe that this “Armagaeddon” will result in the slaughter of billions. They believe that those killed in this “judgment” will suffer an eternity of torture at the hands of their vengeful god who, ironically, also promises an eternity in some sort of perfect heaven, following a thousand years of Theocratic rule by someone they call “Christ”.

The real question is, does Sarah Palin believe this too? If she does, then the USA could have a Commander-in-Chief who looked forward to, and perhaps even actively sought a nuclear war. This thinking can only be labeled as psychopathic. Put a psychopath in power and we could see a self-fulfilling prophecy, doomsday could come because Palin could bring it on.

This is truly scary. For all of his talk, I was never fully convinced that George W Bush really believed his religious dogma. It always seemed a little too much like the ramblings of a reformed drunk trying to show everyone that he had made good. If there’s anything that Christians like, going all the way back to Saul/Paul, it’s the flawed soul, born again and transformed into goodness. It is plausible that Palin actually does buy into the religious insanity. She was raised in the church, and spoke to the congregation there as recently as June of this year, where she made a speech describing the war in Iraq as “a task from god.”

The press corps seemed all too interested in Barack Obama’s wacky church during the Democratic primary. They set the precedent then; a candidate’s religious background requires scrutiny, and asking the candidate about some of the more eccentric beliefs of their church is not off limits. I’ll close this post by suggesting a few questions that we might
want to see Sarah Palin answer before the election.

First, Does she believe in her church’s “16 Fundamental Truths”?

If she does, then the following questions MUST be considered.

Does she think that people of other faiths and denominations will go to hell?

Does she speak in tongues?

Does she expect to be raptured?

Does she look forward to the battle of Armagaeddon and the other end-times scenes described in the Book of Revelation?

These are all fair questions. We have a right to know about the convictions of the person who may one day have the nuclear trigger at her finger. Now is the time for the press to step up.


  1. “Beam Me up,Scotty.
    Theres no intelligent life here.”

    Comment by Rainlander — September 8, 2008 @ 4:52 pm

  2. “Beam Me up,Scotty.
    Theres no intelligent life here.”

    Funny thing Rain, years ago one of the early satellites reported that there was no evidence of intelligent life on earth. I do believe the report was correct. ;O)

    Comment by kerry — September 8, 2008 @ 5:36 pm

  3. Thanks,Kerry.
    This puts it in perspective better than I ever could,but it begs the question:what would life have been like had Alfred E. Newmann never had children?
    This is a gem:

    Comment by Rainlander — September 8, 2008 @ 8:18 pm

  4. Alex, Palin and her nutcase neocon fundies scare the hell out of me, more than Osama, al qaida and the Taliban all together! I know the misery the fundi religious have created all throughout recorded history.

    Rain,I just finished watching the clip and it is no wonder old Barbara Bush stated that thinking about her children she wished she had remained a virgin! Flash!!! So does the rest of the world.

    Finally got caught up enough to go see your Novak pictures and they are FANTASTIC!!! Have you had formal training to use computer art programs?

    Comment by kerry — September 9, 2008 @ 2:36 pm

  5. Hi Kerry,
    The clip was not what I was looking for,it was better.
    I had remembered Katherine Hepburn singing about dropping the big one and that was what i was after,hilarious.

    It amazes Me that thoughtful,intelligent and kind People will euphemistically saw off their own nose just to spite their face when it comes to voting against their own best interests in the context of a belief system.
    I guess it is the whole schtick of Suffer in this world and be a king or queen in the next.
    I dunno.

    I’m pleased that You enjoyed the Novacula spoofs,so many times when I do those I feel as though the stuff is just for me as no one else would probably ever see them.Thank You.

    I have never had any formal training in Art
    but as a child had a lot of time aside from working the land and fishing and hunting,I was a voracious reader and had unlimited access to all the discarded college material as My mother
    and sometimes father worked for the University.

    So I taught myself at an early age doing the assignments and later trying to recreate the works of mostly the rennesaince period with biblical paintings being my favorite.

    I did a stint as a commercial artist designing
    western jewelry and belt buckles for the pro-rodeo circuit.
    I started trying to learn to recreate my earlier success when I fell into computer games.

    I did several clan skins for the Unreal Tournament
    and Halo crowd and caught the attention of an upstart company through word of mouth but to which I never responded.

    I had a friend who went to work for one such company and no one has seen or heard from him since,nothing sinister its just that He is just too busy.
    We learned this from His ex-wife later.
    That industry is a sweat shop,though I would like to learn modeling and try movies someday.

    What I like about Your work is the Verve and Pinache,its like They live and breathe and are just begging to scamper off the screen whooping and hollering.
    Your application of the fonts are always a wonder to me.

    Keep up the good work and always enjoy hearing from you.


    Comment by Rainlander — September 9, 2008 @ 5:38 pm

  6. XOXOXO Rain, if I were anywhere near as good as what you did in those three pictures I would be doing fantasy portraits of people as their favorite character from movies, history or whatever. LOL

    I too am a book person and have been building an Ebook library in my external hard drive in case I have to leave here and go south.
    Mostly from free book libraries and The Gutenberg Project which is in the process of making Ebooks of all the old books, classics and ancient manuscripts and more.

    Also learning the computer and different programs by myself. No one anywhere in this rural area to ask questions or advice from.

    Having an insatiable curiosity since early childhood started me on a life of voracious reading about everything. I used to be book poor but thanks to the “innernets” I can read most things on line or download them for later if I like them. Have a passion for ancient history, myths and legends since I read about the Greek & Roman gods in 7th grade and thought, “How human their stories sound.”

    My curiosity led me to explore many endeavors and necessity forced me to endure a variety of employments to many and varied to go into here. LOL

    Working now on illustrating some children’s books I have written.

    (((0))) Kerry

    Comment by kerry — September 10, 2008 @ 2:01 pm

  7. Hi Kerry,
    Childrens books are an awesome medium,
    I still have my first books from the school book club and I have to say I blame Suess Giesel for my downfall of an overactive imagination.
    I know You will do well.
    If You can get a publisher to notice You then You have it made as I understand,but You’ll need an agent.
    I’m not saying this guy will help you but he has been known to help up and coming authors with advice from time to time.
    Otherwise a good site from a good egg and He lives in Your neck of the woods,I believe.

    Here is an experiment from several years back where I tried my hand at digital characature but then I ruined it with the quote that inspired it.

    The idea about the charicatures of people into personal heroes is good but be prepared for mixed reactions,its the reason why I gave up portrait painting.

    Go for the gusto and live Your dreams and ideals.
    If You dont try,how will You ever know?
    As for Me I know You will do well.

    All the best,

    Comment by Rainlander — September 10, 2008 @ 9:41 pm

  8. It would seem my last post needs moderation.

    Comment by Rainlander — September 12, 2008 @ 7:00 am

  9. How so Rain?

    Comment by kerry — September 12, 2008 @ 12:39 pm

  10. Whenever I post a comment with links in it then it gets held up in moderation.

    I was trying to steer you to John Varley’s page
    for some input in finding a literary agent to help you get started when time for publishing the childrens books.

    Also a link to a cartoon I did of “W” telling the american public why the wealthiest dont pay income tax.

    Perhaps a site moderator will pop in and release my comment for consumption.
    Thank You.

    Comment by Rainlander — September 12, 2008 @ 4:26 pm

  11. What a relief Rain, I thought it was just me. I tried to post a link to a Palin video yesterday and it still has not made it onto the blog. Thought maybe I had picked up a virus or something surfing the net but after two hours of running all my anti-everything programs I still couldn’t post it so I figured it was something to do with the blog. I know we both have posted links before that worked so I am not sure what the problem is. BTW, have you checked out any of the crossword puzzles I do for Bart on his webpage?
    Have a great weekend. ;O)

    Comment by kerry — September 12, 2008 @ 8:54 pm

  12. Kerry,
    I thought I was being a thread bore or something.
    If I was I apologise for trying to instigate those pillowfights.

    I have not done a crossword in years,somewhere in the past probably the Bar brawls,I lost the capacity to spell correctly.
    The Hillbilly medicine one had my attention though,I’ll let You know how badly I sucked at it.

    Again Thank You for the kind thoughts on the art stuff and You know I appreciate the work You do.

    Have a great weekend as well,Its supposed rain
    and storm here with Ike and a cold front converging right over the top of us.
    I’ll probably miss the football game with the Washington Husky’s so Go Sooners!


    Comment by Rainlander — September 12, 2008 @ 9:41 pm

  13. Rain, you are never boring. LOL

    For the hillbilly puzzle spelling is not essential. ;O)

    Thank you too dear, and hope you weather the storm well and get to watch your game.

    Comment by kerry — September 13, 2008 @ 9:58 pm

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