But Probably Won’t…
Spot Title: ‘Community Service’
IMAGES: Montage of candy stripers helping senior citizens and feeding disabled vets; volunteers serving food at a disaster relief shelter, piling up sandbags during a flood, handing groceries to a family at a food pantry.
VOICE-OVER: “Every day, all over America, volunteers willingly give up their free time to help their fellow citizens, a proud tradition of helping others that has made America great…”
CUT TO IMAGES & AUDIO: Rudy Giuliani and Sarah Palin snickering over Obama’s community service at the GOP convention.
V.O.: “Yet, to hear the Republican Party, their selfless efforts to help their fellow Americans and that tradition of aiding those in need is only worthy of snide laughter…”
CUT TO IMAGE: Ask the Republican Party – what do they have against community service?
V.O.: “Ask the Republican Party – what do they have against community service?”
V.O.: “Barack Obama and Joe Biden believe in service to America – not only in Washington, but in local communities across the land. They believe this country was built on Americans helping other Americans. Why does the Republican Party have a problem with this?”
CUT TO IMAGE: Elect Obama-Biden in 2008 – if you believe in helping America.
If Obama doesn’t run an ad like this soon, and make it a regular talking point, Thom Hartmann will be right – the GOP will paint community service as some kind of far-left liberal tripe to be snickered at.
You’re right, they should run it and you’re right, they won’t.
Comment by buzzchilly — September 6, 2008 @ 6:47 am