
September 7, 2008


Filed under: Uncategorized — kerry @ 11:18 am


Palin has stated she plans to “take back America to it’s xtian roots as it was intended by the founders”.

Palin is so pathetically ignorant of the facts of American history, the Constitution of this country and the intentions of the Founding Fathers in the creation of the constitution and amendments it boggles the mind, and willfully ignorant at that!   Most of the Founding Fathers were atheist, agnostic or deist and wanted to keep religion and government separate so no one religion would be pushed down everyone else’s throats like the fundi evangelicals want to do! .  Anyone who has read their papers and letters would know that!

Palin, like the rest of the fundi xtian coathanger crowd of the GOP wants to remove a woman’s right to choose, teach the myth of creationism in schools instead of science as well as teaching “abstinence only” instead of healthy sex education.  Abstinence only  obviously doesn’t work, her daughter being a classic example of the failure of that program.  Will she also bring back witch hunts and dunking, stoning or putting adulterers in a pillory, force WOMEN who have sex outside of marriage to wear “THE SCARLET LETTER”?

Once they get started where will it end?  Do women really want to go back to the dark ages?  Is this the kind of terror you want your daughter to live with? Your sister, aunt or any other female in your family or circle of friends?

Like most fruitcake, bible thumping xtians she knows little of the books included in the biblical collection and even less about the 640+ that were either left out or removed in about 325 AD and 1625 AD (The Apocrypha).  Or that biblically a fetus was considered of little value, far less than the pitifully small monetary value of a woman and not considered a “soul” until after birth and receiving “the breath of life”!“  (The LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.”—Genesis 2:7) 

NOTE; biblical law gives a rapist the choice of paying the victim’s father for damaging his goods or marrying the victim!  The female had no choice in the matter!  And when it comes to adultery, ONLY THE WOMAN GOT STONED TO DEATH WHEN CAUGHT IN THE ACT!

She is obviously ignorant of the history and circumstances of the people of the biblical era and the politics of the times, (see The Creation of Patriarchy (,   The Code of Hammurabi, Babylonian king who set down first written code of laws ), both detail the history and circumstances that led to the denigration, loss of rights and enslavement of  women.

I have copies of them all as well as histories of the people and governments of the different areas and eras.

I just cannot see how being a “HOCKEY MOM”,  “A PITBULL WITH LIPSTICK” and FRUITCAKE FUNDI qualifies one to be a VP- potential president!

Sarah Barracuda Palin, with her anti-choice, anti-science, abstinence only, and creationist positions should never be president of this country. She’s a product of the far religious right’s bamboozling of a large segment of our population, and about as warm and fuzzy as Dick Cheney (with lipstick).

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