
September 8, 2008

Help stop religious encroachment.

Filed under: Uncategorized — Gerry Fern @ 7:33 am

In Miami Beach where I live, there is a string on poles surrounding the island.

 I Am not sure what the string means, but it is put up by the religious Jewish community.

This string supposedly signifies that on the Sabbath you are indoors when you are actually on the street.  So you can carry on duties that you would normally not be allowed to do outdoors on the Sabbath like pushing a baby carriage.  What else it means I do not know.  The important thing is that it is a religious symbol.

Now, I do not condemn religion or religious people of any kind.  On my best day I am agnostic, others I am atheist.  Like most thinking people I struggle with my beliefs on a daily basis.  But I do believe religious people are mostly sheep.

This is not about Islam, Catholics, Protestants, Jews or any other religion.  It is about religious symbolism in the public sphere, and more importantly public land.  This string and corresponding poles clearly are a violation of our first amendment under the bill of rights.  This string and corresponding poles also allow any other religion to place any religious symbol they see fit on our precious beaches, under the equal protection clause.

On a personal note, I find the string offensive.  I am not a religious person, but I am now living in a religious community, because some people have the pull to say this is their community.  Anti-Semitic? I don’t think so but I am sure there will be some nasty comments.

A couple of weeks ago I went out with my drill and took down the offending poles.  They were soon put up again. I thought about repeating my antics but after spending a weekend in jail not too long ago for my beliefs, I really do not want to do that again soon.  So I decided to follow proper procedure.  I contacted the Miami Beach Mayor’s office and asked under what permit are these poles allowed.  Yep, you knew it already, no response.

I also contacted the Florida ACLU, yes I am a proud card carrying member, and asked them to help me sue Miami Beach.  So far, no answer.  I love that they have the money (my money) to defend Oliver North and Rush Limbaugh, but they do not have the money to help a member with a serious civil liberties case.  Maybe St. Ronnie was right,” liberals are financing their own destruction.”

So while I wait or keep on harassing the Miami Beach City government for an answer and the ACLU for help I am asking for your help.  Right now I thought the best line of attack would be to put stickers on the poles saying, “Religious fence” to make people aware.  But I think there is probably something that fits better on a sticker and conveys a stronger message.  Your suggestions and help would be very much appreciated.  Please send them to:

NOBE means north beach just in case you are wondering, not worshiping the devil yet.

Of course there maybe other options.  If you have suggestions on dealing with this problem they would be appreciated.

Please forward this to your friends particularly if they live in Miami Beach and help me circulate this notice.  Maybe we can get together a group of citizens that are interested in maintaining the separation of church and state and get these offensive symbols removed. 

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