
September 11, 2008

BartCop has become unreadable

Filed under: Uncategorized — Gerry Fern @ 9:27 am

It’s a real shame, Bart does a good job and tries very hard, but the incessant Hillary whining simply will not stop.  Do you people realize we are now in a general election cycle?  The primaries are over, she lost.

I do not hate Hillary.  I was one of the original supporters until I found John Edwards more appealing.  After he dropped out I again supported Hillary until the infamous Kyl-Lieberman amendment vote.  When will Democrats realize anything supported by Lieberman is a trap? I would argue being a Senator from NY hurt Hillary.  NY has a high Jewish population, many are members of AIPAC or JINSA or at least the powerful people are, aligned with the right wing Likud party.  They support the Iraq war and an attack on Iran. 

Hillary’s support of the Iraq war resolution hurt her.  Her failure to apologize for a highly political vote, despite Bart’s analysis that she should not apologize, hurt her more.   I am not a genius and I know the intelligence for the vote was fixed.  Hillary is very smart; she did not know it was fixed?  Bull hockey!  She made a bad decision.  Good for her NY constituency, bad for national politics.

Her support for Kyl-Lieberman amendment, basically a blank check issued to an irresponsible war mongering administration to attack Iran , was just another nail in the coffin.

Now we read Keith Olbermann should be off the air because he did not like Hillary.  Do you people realize we have very few voices in what is the mainstream media and we should try and support the few we have?

OH if Obama had picked Hillary then McCain could not steel his thunder with Palin.  Bullshit.  The only reason Palin is so popular right now is she is basically an unknown.  She is also a beauty queen and can smile on cue.  Hillary is a known commodity.  The minute she comes on the scene an equal amount of people love her as loathe her.  The hate expressed towards her I would say is very unfair.  She never killed a moose, a fox, or a cat from what I know.  She is also very savvy, resourceful, and has a partner that would be a great help in the White House, not to mention a great daughter that is not pregnant.

I think Obama’s VP pick was great but if it had been Hillary I would have been fine with it also.  She is certainly qualified and would make an excellent president if the need arose.  But he did not and I am fine with that also.

Now can we please support our ticket?  The restoration of our civil rights rides on it.  The Supreme Court is in very precarious danger into falling into an abyss of Nazi ideology.  Our country is bankrupt and soon our money will not be worth anything in Guatemala.   We need to return our country to a position of respect and not worldwide fear and hate.  Now will you please get your heads out of your ass?  Let’s help elect Obama, maybe in four years if you are still unhappy you have another chance.  If McCain wins, in four years it won’t matter.


  1. I wonder what that argument would look like if you took out Lieberman, AIPAC, Israel, JINSA and the Likud party?

    We’re watching a tired, old Bush bot pulling away in the polls and I doubt Israel has a lot to do with that. Some people see every issue thru a Kosher lense, but I’m not one of them.

    Wouldn’t we all feel better of Obama was less like Kerry (appealing to the Harvard-educated) and more like Ol’ Bart?

    Comment by Bart — September 11, 2008 @ 9:32 am

  2. GOLLLLLEEE GEEEE WHIZ Gerry, thanks for letting me know that HILLARY WAS THE ONLY ONE WHO VOTED TO SUPPORT BUSH’S REPUBLICAN OIL WAR! I could have sworn that I read that the support for the BUSH REPUBLICAN WAR FOR OIL was almost unanimous. Should all the rest who voted for it have to apologize for being misled by BUSH AND HIS GREEDY OIL CRONIES or JUST HILLARY? I’m sure inquiring minds would love to have your brilliant input on the matter.

    Comment by kerry — September 11, 2008 @ 11:46 am

  3. Dammit Bart why won’t you lie more! How dare you give your honest opinion on your own website. Who the hell do you think you are?

    Gerry, every problem you seem to have with Hillary is magnified in Joe Biden. Also I believe Bart was saying KO shouldn’t be anchoring serious news events because he is a nakedly partisan political commentator. Even FOX doesn’t let Hannity and ORielly do that. I saw the video of KO and Matthews bitching at each other on the air. It was pretty silly.

    Comment by Danger Bear — September 11, 2008 @ 3:07 pm

  4. Gerry Fern,

    Your post is a completely senseless waste of time.
    The major media, has acheived its purpose-Obama is the candidate of the Democratic party and now they will take out the knives and hack him to pieces, just as they did with Hillary Clinton. Obama was the candidate chosen by the GOP insiders and delivered by the conservative media outlets. Now it is time to ignore the major media and seek information from other sources. I cannot emphasize too much how delighted I am to be able to access European news sources for real information. Try the British papers and if you can read a European language you will be better informed on our election dirty politics.

    Comment by homegirl — September 11, 2008 @ 5:03 pm

  5. Now let me say this about that,
    Gerry has been a loyal contributor to Bartcop and the Bartblog for quite a while to My remembrance.
    His opinion is as important as anyone elses,
    but it remains an opinion.
    El Barto has an affectation for Women and I have to admit that I too am partial to them as well.

    From Hillary to Shirley and the lovely and talented BC Hotties then You have the MoDo’s the Airy Huff’s the Lucianne Goldbergs and the protege Lewinsky and lately Sarah Palin.

    Bart knows his audience and with the same hand He does’nt really.

    What I hate on the Bartcop page is not the Hillary or even the monkey mail,No it is the Lurkers who are in the thrall of the GOP and their varios splinter cells who claim to be supporters and subscribers Who got mad over some slight that Bart opined when more often He really did not.
    This pisses Me off and You Scumbags know who You are,the trouble is,I know what You are.

    Heres how this Shit works for those of You who are new here.

    1.A wide stance Republican says or does something which is:
    A: Immoral
    B: Illegal
    C: Stupid
    D: All of the above

    2. The corporate lapdog media soft peddles it and the Blogosphere investigates and finds what
    the Press secretary wanted to remain on the downlow and shouts it from the rooftops.

    3. Congress investigates and releases a namby-pamby scolding which exempts the above mentioned crooks from any further prosecution.

    4.The The corporate lapdog media allows sufficient time for a conservative mouthpiece
    to admonish the liberals for doubting the sincerity and innocence of the party and the accused.

    5. The Liberals take the high road and offer little or no resistance.

    6. The right-wing henchmen call the Liberals: a bunch of pussies.

    7. The party faithful drink more beer in honor of their heroes who showed the elitest a thing or two and feel superior to the blowjob bum who
    tricks on the street corner.

    I really owe Bart a debt of grattitude for showing Me how shit really works,
    Like Neo in the Matrix,I knew something was wrong but just did not know what it was.
    It was supposed to be the blue pill,Damnit.

    I dont feel that the things that I am tired of seeing on BC are worth turning My back on.
    There is so much there of value that I look forward to it most every day.
    Lets not turn Our backs on Bart or Gerry.
    Like Neo’s world it is F*cked up but maybe together We can do something about it,
    Even if it is only reminding the Democratic leadership to stop acting like pussies.


    Comment by Rainlander — September 11, 2008 @ 6:16 pm

  6. El Barto has an affectation for Women

    Whoa!! Really!!?? I never knew.

    Oh well. Each to thier own.

    Wear those Jimmy Choo’s with pride, Sistah Bart.

    Comment by Twisted_Colour — September 11, 2008 @ 8:50 pm

  7. I tried to explain my thinking and convey my message at the same time.
    Obviously I opened a can of worms that did not need to be open.
    My point is this. Please unite and let’s get our candidate elected.
    This is the only important point.
    Today a new slew of allegations popped up about all sorts of campaign dirty tricks with ballots and whose vote is going to count and whose isn’t. This is what we should all be concerned about for the next 50+ days, investigating these allegations and exposing them. Calling our local media and getting the news out.
    We do not need another 2000 or 2004, we need everyone’s vote counted..
    We will have plenty of time to argue amongst ourselves after the election.

    Comment by Gerry Fern — September 11, 2008 @ 10:13 pm

  8. Bart’s one of the readable people on the internet.
    He supported Hillary because she was the toughest candidate. We need tough to fight this mob. Now he tells Obama to fight harder and kick Republican ass. Where’s the contradiction?
    Why always the Jews? The only ones I’ve met love to read and eat tasty sandwiches.
    Israel don’t even have any oil. And they try to avoid innocent casualties more than some nations. They don’t rule the world.

    Comment by bittershaman2 — September 12, 2008 @ 12:14 am

  9. Hey, I too have had my concerns about the page’s approach. Even when it sounds like nay-saying or panic mongering… 99% of Bartcop’s predictions have turned out to be true.

    And then I remember Bartcop’s Law that:
    “People want to be lied to.”

    It’s a bit true even for us, no? Tell the truth – wouldn’t you rather hear that we’re gonna win because we should? I admit I would sometimes, even if we’re a lot further behind than we should be. Wouldn’t you feel more inspired if the page praised our nominee constantly, regardless of whether he was making mistakes or not? I would too.

    But sadly, all those things would only give us comfort and courage because we know:

    This. Page. Tells. The. Truth.

    So I’m gonna try to support the approach Bartcop’s trying to take. All us “pillars” who subscribed to his page from the get-go, and donate when we can have given one of us the ability to work on this stuff all day, every day – and he’s used the opportunity very well.

    The only reason the page is “unreadable” some times is because what’s actually happening is unthinkable.

    But it *is* happening. At least according to the guy who single handedly catches every major story, turn it into both a web page and radio, and then provides predictions (even depressing ones) that prove correct far more than any other source I know.

    Comment by RexDevious — September 12, 2008 @ 3:03 pm

  10. I don’t agree completely with Bart or anybody who posts here, but we agree on most of the big issues, and that’s what’s important.

    (For that matter, I’d be suspicious of anyone who agreed with me all the time — those kind of people are either brain damaged or Dittoheads, excuse me for repeating myself.)

    What are we fighting for if not free speech and the right to disagree with each other occasionally? It’s the idjits on the other side who are slurping down the Rove Talking Points and nodding their heads up and down like one of those novelty bobbing cocktail ostrichs.

    I agree with Gerry that we have to do all we can to defeat the GOP this year; I think everyone else in this thread feels the same.

    I think that Hillary supporters can see through this corrupt and sleazy Bush-clone Palin all the way to her back collar and will vote accordingly.

    BTW, there are many differences between Hillary and Palin, the main one is that Hill uses her head for thinking; Palin just uses it to prop up her pretty face. It’s not lipstick on pig; it’s lipstick on a Republican ventriloquist’s dummy who says whatever words the Rove Gang puts in her mouth.

    Comment by RS Janes — September 14, 2008 @ 6:33 pm

  11. Amateur….


    Trackback by Amateur. — October 30, 2008 @ 4:28 am

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