
September 15, 2008


Filed under: Uncategorized — kerry @ 8:46 am



  1. I hope this works:


    Comment by Rainlander — September 15, 2008 @ 6:34 pm

  2. Kerry,Wow!
    crossword 12 got like 8 right and fudged the rest
    hitting the solve bar.
    Not a friend but a ENEMA?,I ask you?
    of course I put enemy and got it wrong.
    Sick in an airport is terminal-illness?
    What do doctors do when a patient dies?: BARIUM?

    Its Sadism,no its Masochism,I dont know any more the difference.
    Maybe its excruciating fun.

    I did the puzzle 13 and here is what I got:

    You have completed this crossword puzzle<

    Just what I need another hobby!
    Thanks Kerry!


    Comment by Rainlander — September 15, 2008 @ 8:33 pm

  3. Rain, I do believe Sadism is what repugs do to dems and Masochism is the dems asking for more. ;O)

    Looks like you are getting better at larnin’ hillbilly/redneck. HEHE I lived ‘dowin souith’ fo a yar and pick up a lot of it, including some great home brew recipes from the old guys sitting ’round the wood stove at the gener’l store.

    Congrats on your win. Being a sports enthusiast, did you do the Pigskin Palaver puzzle? LOL

    Pasted the link and it worked. LOL There IS a difference though in making a ‘toon’ and making an actual commercial product, especially one with racist connotations.

    I just posted a toon & article with live links and they worked so maybe the problem we had was just a temporary glitch.

    Comment by kerry — September 15, 2008 @ 11:18 pm

  4. Kerry,
    am pleased to anounce that I will be working on my word skills by using the crossword puzzles on
    Its only taken me ten years to learn to type(scratch that,it should read hunt and peck).
    Next stop capitalization followed by syntax,grammar and semantics for the piece de resistance’.
    Wow,re-learning english is hard and so is that Pigskin Palaver but I’m still working on it.
    There is stuff in there that throws this Man-cave neanderthal,Congrats!

    The Sooners were impressive saturday but the real season starts later with a slew of very tough Texas teams,they may suck all year but when it comes to OU they’ll bring the -A- game every time.


    Comment by Rainlander — September 16, 2008 @ 6:23 pm

  5. “Its Sadism,no its Masochism,I dont know any more the difference.
    Maybe its excruciating fun.”

    Rain, just ask Gov. Thanks But No Thanks — you can bet she knows the difference. I mean, if you can get a chance to ask her a question.
    After Charlie Gibson, she’s under wraps again, reciting her GOP Con speech.

    Comment by RS Janes — September 17, 2008 @ 5:24 pm

  6. RSJ,
    Every cloud has a silver lining.
    The trick is to know it when You see it.

    Palin is a gift to the Dems which wont be realized until November.

    Biden will tear her a new A$$hole in the debates by sticking to the facts and if He’s smart,He wont acknowledge her presence.

    Right now She is so busy doing damage control
    in Alaska that She isn’t going to be able to memorize every talking point and that is not because of her lack of academia.

    I’ve always suspected that the bee-hive coifed
    horn rimmed mu-mu crowd had an affection for bracelets and manacles and mister mousie pious comb over likes the big black appliance in the missionary position,there is always a Yin to the Yang in the Human animus.
    Note how many have deviant offspring,kind of like Palin and the Cheney’s.
    Where did tendency come from?


    Comment by Rainlander — September 18, 2008 @ 12:08 am

  7. ROFLOL Rain, this should help you understand ‘Redneck. ;o)
    ta yew by

    PT Barnum was right. (You’ll never go broke underestimating the intelligence of the American people.)

    Lets hope he was wrong this time around.

    Comment by kerry — September 18, 2008 @ 1:32 pm

  8. P.S. Be sure to check out that great bumper attachment. ;O)

    Comment by kerry — September 18, 2008 @ 1:33 pm

  9. Thanks Kerry,that is some funny stuff!

    Comment by Rainlander — September 18, 2008 @ 4:48 pm

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