
September 15, 2008

Ye Olde Scribe Presents: Let’s Play Dress Up!!!

Filed under: Commentary — Ye Olde Scribe @ 6:51 pm

Boys and girls and their priests, like Father Fingersinandonme who follows far too closely, get your new Sarah Doll today. Before Christmas! No. no, no… we meant to type, “Before election day!” That’s right, you little twits, go screaming to Mommy or Sugar Daddy, “Get me my Sarah Doll now or I’ll tell everyone what you’ve been doing to Fido that you haven’t been doing to each other, you Neo-Con nits!” Scribe promises you; your Sarah doll will be inside those cute little panties Daddy makes you wear by the morning. But first, you have to choose which version you want. There are two…

Moosemeat Mama:

…made out of rotted Neo Con red meat, you know those issues they pump every election faster and harder than Larry Craig, Karl Rove and Jeff Gannon locked in a Men’s room stall involved in a three way? Enjoy the stench of all those policies raised from the dead again and again, in various states of decomposition.

Plastoid Patsy: she’s good looking, in a plastic way, perfect teeth that have satisfied many a man, a goat, an otter…. just as plastic as her “nice” persona: but just beneath the surface bubbles a cauldron of hate for anyone who dares to disagree and gets in the way of hers mission; bringing on the end times for her Lord and Savior… Satan.

Now that you’ve picked, here are her wardrobe options…

The Hannah Montana without any talent wardrobe. Envy Barack for his “star” status? Sarah’s got his Black meat beat! Within seconds the media had her splattered everywhere with few questions about her constant lies and vengeful, petty personality. Listen to that nasal, nasty whine every time the religo-Right Wing-nuts pull her string. Get your damn hands off that pull ring, you little twerp. Only our deity’s chosen ones are allowed to fill the mouth of this bitch from HELL, in all verbal and kinky ways you can imagine.

The Sarah-Susan Adkins Wardrobe. Go on the Adkins diet, America! No, not “carbs.” Dress up Sarah as one of Charlie’s girl’s…no “Angels” they… and watch Sarah help John Manson McCain hack away at the social safety net, carve their initials into the bowels of America: and laugh with glee while they do it. She already belongs to the largest sexually perverted, pill popping cult in America: the Neo-Con controlled Republican Party. Buy now, and get an extra, extra, wardrobe: the Lizzie Borden collection! Be… a… head… of your classmates!

The Neoconreligiofascist Corporation who makes the Sarah Doll, welcomes your gruesome suggestions for other versions and wardrobe. You do realize we’ll have to kill you if we like it, don’t you? All suggestions belong to NCF Corp. No further entries after October 31st when we turn into the bats we always have been and return to our belfry. Or, after the election where, hopefully, someone will drive a steak through our hearts. We typed “steak” hoping someone would be fooled by our usual bullshit and give us a Porterhouse or a Sirloin. Whatever happened to Sir’s loins after the King caught him with the queen, anyway? Inquisitive, yet crotch-ity, Olde Scribes really want to know.

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