
September 19, 2008

Palin as Misogynist

Filed under: Uncategorized — Gerry Fern @ 11:12 am

What can we make of Sarah Palin?  She is a woman, looks normal, acts normal on the stump, but is she normal?  I would say she is not.  She is a misogynist and perhaps that is the most disturbing thing about her.

I do not understand why so little is being written about this fact, or the mainstream media has not picked up on it, not to mention bloggers.  Honestly, the silence is confusing.

We live in a very dysfunctional society.  It is unfortunate that some people are abused by the system and others know how to game it.  As an executive I was accused of sexual harassment by two female employees that knew how to play the game.  Both accusations came to nothing, but they did leave me bitter and very weary of dealing with female employees.

In my personal life, I am the husband of a woman that was brutally assaulted, lived through 10 years of therapy with her and we still deal with the consequences of that day almost on a daily basis.

What do I make of Sarah Palin?  A woman that forced abused woman to pay for rape kits.  That the state of Alaska had to pass a bill exclusively to stop  Wallisa , her town, from continuing this horrendous practice.  Does this woman have a soul?  A heart?  It is not enough that these women were abused, they should also pay for the investigation that so often will never bring anybody to justice?

Now as result of the investigation into the firing of Walt Monegan, the public Safety Commissioner that was fired because he refused to fire her brother in law, Sarah has come up with a new plausible reason  why he was fired.  He was fired because, “he had gone over her head in seeking federal money for an initiative to combat sexual assault crimes, before she had approved the program.” A program that would have,” use(d) the federal money to hire retired troopers and law enforcement officials, and assign them to investigate the most egregious cases of sexual assault — including those against children.”  Wow, let’s not investigate these things. And let’s fire the idiot that thinks this is the state’s responsibility.  If people do not want to get raped or children abused maybe they should not be so damned attractive.

I am not an advocate of the invasion of privacy, but this is a special case.  In a home where we have a child whose dad and mother is in question, yes I am referring to Trig, I do not ever remember such a high profile infant whose paternity is in question, do you?  And now her daughter is pregnant.  Great!!!  A mother that apparently is indifferent to child abuse, rape and other crimes.  The Governor of the state with the highest cases of rape, incest, child abuse and domestic violence. The ex-mayor of a small town with 42 meth labs.  Let’s have an investigation of what is going on in that home.  Something smells here.

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