
July 25, 2007

Democratic Presidential Candidates Need to Keep Eyes On The Prize

Filed under: Opinion — N @ 11:40 am

I have been generally trying to stay away from ranting and raving about the current presidential election and its very long and very boring cycle this time. When the two main parties started having debates a full year before the first vote was to be cast I knew that we were in trouble. I have been saying for months that its nice and all to have lots of people interested in being president but those that do not have a shot in hell of the nomination on either side should just fold up shop and go home. The only thing the fringe candidates do is attack the front runners and cause squabbles with in the party which leads to general election fodder for the opponent of whoever gets the nomination.

Now don’t get me wrong I love watching the Republicans trash each other and their current commander in chief. Its the Democrats that I am worried about. It seems to me that there are three candidates with a legitimate shot at the nomination, Hillary Clinton, Barak Obama and John Edwards. Edwards maybe a little bit of a long shot but I’ll leave him in. Those other candidates, Gravel, Biden, Richardson, Kucinich, Dodd (am I missing someone?) do nothing but attack the policies and ideas of the so called front runners. I understand that all these people want to be president, but do the Democrats not realize the historical implications of a Democrat winning back the presidency. If they don’t understand the gravity of the situation they should really go home and take up gardening. If they do understand then they should be a little more careful in providing the type of sound bites that can come back to haunt a candidate.

I will not say who I prefer out of the Democrats right now because that’s not really important. What is really, really important is that another blood thirsty, Constitution crushing republican not get in office in 2008. Come my Democratic friends, winning the big one is what is important here so don’t lose sight of the prize.

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