
September 22, 2008

Taxpayer: You Owe Feds $1,000,000,000,000 + Interest

Filed under: Uncategorized — alex @ 12:50 pm


The privately owned Federal Reserve Bank is about to wave its magic wand and create, with just a few keystrokes, over one trillion dollars. This money will be lent to the Bush Junta, at interest of course, in order to solve the crisis currently engulfing US financial institutions. What is happening, in summary, is that a few CEO’s made billions of dollars on shady deals, and now a private company called the Federal Reserve is going to own your great-grandchildren. Milton Friedman roasts in hell. One trillion dollars divided by three hundred million Americans comes out to three thousand, three hundred, thirty three dollars, and thirty three cents a head. That doesn’t include interest. Add that to the debt each American already owes “The Fed” (note that they are fed, while you might not be) due to bailing out Freddie Mac, Fannie May, AIG, Bear Sterns, as well as the payments for the Iraq war, and the massive borrowing that is done every day so that suburbanites can buy more plastic crap, not to mention the massive cost of servicing existing US debt. By any reasonable standard the US Government should be bankrupt. They’re not because Treasury Secretary Paulson found someone willing to lend the US what they need. As usual when it comes to making deals with mafia, you get the money, but man is it going to cost you!

This latest bail out was inevitable. Want to know why? Watch this video and see how the latest crisis will further consolidate the massive power of Federal Reserve Inc. I wonder who owns that company? If you’re an American, given the amount of debt your government has handed you, you can be you can be pretty confident that it owns you.

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