
September 21, 2008


Filed under: Uncategorized — kerry @ 8:51 am


A WHAT Administration?

A WHO Administration?

September 18, 2008 4:16 PM

Natalie Gewargis


Gov. Sarah Palin is now talking about “a Palin and McCain administration.”

This video from a Palin event today catches the vice presidential nominee putting herself before John McCain on the ticket. Check out the video and read more here from ABC News.

I’ve also heard her refer to McCain as “my running mate” — a term I don’t recall ever hearing a VP nominee use when discussing the guy at the top of the ticket.

Maybe the fact that the crowds are leaving after she speaks, while McCain is speaking, is getting to her.

Politico’s Jonathan Martin had this related report:

At a rally outside Youngstown, Ohio, Tuesday night, dozens of attendees left while McCain was still speaking.
I caught up with a few of them. Some explained that the airplane hangar where the rally was being held had grown crammed and uncomfortable. Others said they had other events or commitments to get to.

Notably, though, the exodous had only begun after Palin spoke.

Now, the same thing has happened again.

“I look up, about five minutes into McCain’s address and see a steady stream of people walking out of the rally,” writes Radio Iowa’s Kay Henderson from a McCain-Palin event in Cedar Rapids.

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