
October 14, 2008


Filed under: Uncategorized — kerry @ 8:59 pm



  1. [...] orginally posted at We claim no responsibility for this content. Please click on the link above to read and comment on [...]

    Pingback by THE AMAZING MORPH MONSTER | — October 15, 2008 @ 8:53 am

  2. All I saw was a bunch of adverts which was kind of a relief thinking I would probably fall victim to the latest round of phishing scams by clicking on the link.

    Now indulge Yourself for a few minutes with this great all-time parody of a fifty year old bald kid who battles the myth of the Great Pumpkin.—Charlie-Brown-Peanuts–amp–The-Great-Pumpkin.html

    Kerry,How do You do it?
    Another Masterpiece!

    Comment by Rainlander — October 15, 2008 @ 7:29 pm

  3. I don’t know if you have to join that site to see anything or if my security blocks it out.

    At least the toon title and bartblog was visible on the left side of the page where someone could click on it. As for the spambots, maybe if they keep coming to the blog they just might pick up enough information to form a complete sentence instead of the gibberish they post. ;O)

    Copied the link and will look at it later. Too tired tonight.Yawwwwwnnn

    I think McFuddy about hypnotized me with his constant blink blink blinking during tonight’s debate. His never ending distractions of fidgeting, bouncing up and down in his seat and that stupid grimacing grin like he is clinching his jaws while trying to maintain a fake smile and his childish, unprofessional popping off at the mouth interruptions when Obama was speaking were very tiring too. Egads Rain, he has been hanging around the pitbull too long and has started whining like she does when she isn’t yelling. Wondered several times if he was on some of Cindy’s ‘uppers’!

    I will be so glad when Nov. 5 gets here.

    So happy you liked the ‘toon’, once in a while I luck out with a good one. Blush blush
    Warm fuzzies to you (((o)))

    Comment by kerry — October 15, 2008 @ 10:40 pm

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