
October 21, 2008

Get a Life!! It’s over, man!

Filed under: Uncategorized — Bart @ 9:18 am

          Subject: are you still pissed?

          If you’re still pissed off about the 2000 elections, GET A LIFE!!!!!!!!!

          Its over man.

          Sharon, you say, “It’s over?”
          I’ll tell you what’s over.

          The World Trade Centers are over, because Bush ignored the warnings.
          The lives of 4128 soldiers are over because Bush lied.
          The health of 60,000 soldiers is over because Bush lied.

          The Fourth Amendment is over, and the Sixth Amendment, and Bush set up
          “Free Speech Zones” so I guess the First Amendment is over, too.
          The integrity of the Justice Department is ancient history.

          Diplomacy died an early death with this president.
          Valerie Plame’s career as a CIA spy is over and we don’t know how many
          CIA contacts died because Bush-Cheney wanted to punish the truth tellers.

          North Korea’s estrangement from making nukes is over.
          New Orleans as a livable city – that’s probably over.
          The meters on Iraq’s oil pumps – gone – so Halliburton can steal at will.

          Our right to privacy is over – Bush can read our mail, read our e-mails, bug our
          phones, check into our bank accounts and the library books we check out.

          Bidding on government contracts is over – it all goes to Bush’s friends and
          they can now sell the military millions of gallons of gasoline for $10 a pop.

          Non-partisan Supreme Court judges – that’s a thing of the past.
          The 911 Commission?  That’s over and they didn’t blame anybody for anything.
          How about our friendships with other countries – that’s over

          Science is over with this religiously-insane president.
          He says God told him “Science is bad,” so we avoid science at all costs.

          The Rule of Law is over – Bush says no laws apply to him since he bungled 9-11.
          A ready-to-fight military?  That’s definitely over.

          The health of the 9-11 first responders – gone – thanks to Bush.
          A stable economy? Bush destroyed that, too – it’s gone for a long time.
          Of course, Clinton’s surpluses are loooong gone.

          Mining safety laws? They were gone soon after Bush took office.
          Stem cell research is gone – who needs their health when God is Risen?
          Clear skies and healthy forests?  Gone, and gone.

          Pat Tillman, his life is over – I wonder why Bush covered up his death?
          The dream that things will be better for our kids – that’s over, too.
          Your home being the best retirement plan?  That’s certainly over.

          The Bush name in American politics?  That’s deader than Francisco Franco.
          100,000 White House e-mails?  Illegally destroyed – to cover up what?

          The separation of Church & State – that’s over.
          Bush is taking MY TAXES and giving it to superstitious
          handjobs who support him.

          Congressional oversight is dead – (but you can blame the Democrats for that.)
          Medal of Freedom integrity is gone, too. Bush gave medals to Tommy Franks,
          George Tenet, and Paul Bremer “for all their great work in Iraq.”

          Our votes being counted – that’s gone, too
          Oil companies paying taxes?  That’s gone like T-Rex.
          Bush’s attendence records in the Nat Guard – over or never existed?

          Statue of Liberty? Still there, but meaningless in a torture-is-fun America.

          Of course, some things are NOT over, like Bush’s war in Iraq, Bush’s war
          in Afghanistan and the hostility from soon-to-be nuke-happy Iran.
          And the torture – that’s not over – the torture never stops under
          this president.  Borrowing from the Saudis to finance tax cuts for 
          the super rich – that’s not over.

          As you can tell, this list could go on for a few more hours.
          But you were right – “IT” is over, for most Americans.


  1. Get Over it,Yeah right!
    Eight Years of Corporate Welfare culminating in the $700 billion Golden Parachute for the Trickle Downers.
    How is that shit working out for Youse?

    And They are at it again,Check out this Jewel of a Right-wing scam:

    >”dozens of voters said they were duped into registering as Republicans by people employed by YPM. The voters said YPM workers tricked them by saying they were signing a petition to toughen penalties against child molesters.

    The firm was paid $7 to $12 for every Californian it registered as a member of the GOP.”

    You can read more here,Oh but,You might want a receptacle handy for that Chunder reflex:

    Yeah,its from Michael Moore who dared call the Bush cabinet Liars and Crooks,So Shaddap and eat Your spinach!

    Comment by Rainlander — October 22, 2008 @ 9:43 pm

  2. Mike Moore is on Larry Kink tonight, but I don’t know if it’s for the ‘full hower.’

    We have to hope that Constitution-teacher Obama will restore some of our rights and make the voting machines count every vote properly.

    One thing: The all-out smear campaign of McPalin and their dive in the polls is proving the Age of Karl Rove is finally over. If Obama buries McPalin in a landslide, maybe most of the GOP Top Brass will move out of the country (Afghanistan?) and we can live in peace. After all, what is it the wingnuts used to say — “Love it or leave it.”

    Sharon, pack your bags — the era of the Bush neocons is also over and, if you don’t like it, suck on your Obama tax cut and keep it to yourself.

    Comment by RS Janes — October 23, 2008 @ 10:24 am

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