
October 30, 2008

Time for a “Class Action”

Filed under: Uncategorized — Patrick Murphy @ 2:23 pm

I would like to file a class action suit against the Federal Govt. for the millions of Americans (mostly African Americans) who have had their unalienable rights to “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness” denied them since the beginning of our nation. The settlement would be the guarantee of these rights by the Federal Govt. in the form of work programs that would pay a living wage with full health and retirement benefits. The jobs would be dedicated to the rebuilding of the nations infrastructure to accommodate mass transit, renewable sources of energy and recyclable waste. Americans who have been victims of the generational cycle of poverty and are incapable of working will be paid the same for attending life management courses that are “not” conditional to a faith or religious allegiance. This in order to help them transition from self destructive tendencies that poverty encourages to a place of community contributing self sufficiency. I believe that the effort to reduce the size of Govt. by certain political parties is less an effort to reduce federal spending as is the usual ruse than to eradicate the representation of the majority of American Citizens soon to join the ranks of the below middle class as a result of the latest financial crisis. I believe that the only way to repair the current and future damage this financial black hole has created by unregulated capitalism is to reinvigorate purchasing power not just to the middle class but also to the millions of Americans below the line of poverty. I’m convinced that focusing on the millions of Americans having been and are continuing to be denied rights that are spelled out in the Declaration of Independence and Constitution and easily understood by all is the way to raise awareness and thereby grassroots support for such an action. If ever there was a time to make things right by the great ideals of our country’s founding it is now when so much of capitalism’s illegal influence has proven destructive to the lives of so many Americans.   


  1. It would be only fair to allow women to cast double votes for a couple generations, too.

    Comment by bittershaman2 — October 30, 2008 @ 5:04 pm

  2. I agree.

    Comment by Patrick Murphy — October 30, 2008 @ 8:24 pm

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