
November 2, 2008

BartCops most recent rants – Political Humor and Commentary

Filed under: Uncategorized — drdjpete @ 7:40 pm

It’s been a long while since I posted a blog but recent events have inspired me to come forth. I would have voted for the McCain of 2000 had that same sane, relatively moderate McCain chosen an actual VP candidate, instead of a rabid-right whacko. Unfortunately, that McCain has “jumped the shark” and is long gone. He has sold his soul to the far-right, rabid fundies. No longer is he the “maverick” or even the honorable POW. He is a pathetic caricature of his old self.  McCain’s campaign and Sarah Palin’s simplistic, moronic view of the world are the epitome of what is wrong with politics in this country. The McCain campaign has not focused on what they can do to fix the clusterfuck wrought by 8 years of Bush rule. Instead, their entire argument is based on the fictitious bullshit they are spewing in the hopes that the ignorant among us will believe such bile. The pathetic attacks against Obama for his “relationship” with  Bill Ayers (who REPUBLICANS funded via the Annenberg Foundation) and Khaladi (who McCain funded via IRI) are so beneath contempt that any thinking American would dismiss the allegations in a heartbeat if not for the constant drumbeat of the corrupt, corporate media.

Barack Obama has shown that he is more than ready to lead this country. His calm, steady and straight-forward demeanor in the face of the economic crisis and in the face of rabid attacks from the McCain camp have shown he is ready to lead.

McCain has shown he is erratic, has POOR judgement (Palin? Really? What about Kay Bailey Hutchison, for instance? At least she is not a corrupt idiot) and is only interested in winning the election at all costs and doesn’t give a DAMN about the American people.

The republican party has crashed and burned. Why? Because they chose to pander to the far-right, fundie whackos. Palin may be governor of Alaska (700,00 people and god knows how many secessionists) but she has NO CLUE about the issues that affect the other 299,300,000 Americans. Do we really want this incurious, brain-dead barbie doll a heartbeat away from the most powerful job in the WORLD?

The “undecideds” piss me off. Really? Are you STILL trying to figure it out? How f-ing stupid are you? It’s simple: If you think Bush is great then vote for McCain (and then do the rest of us a favor and blow your tiny brains out). If you actually care about AMERICA then do your damn due diligence.

The fate of the entire world is in our hands. We cannot afford to turn it over to a senile old asshole and a brainless barbie-doll.

Barack Obama is INTELLIGENT, COMPASSIONATE and cares about AMERICA.

The last intelligent president created 22 million jobs and a budget SURPLUS. The current shit-for-brains president, which McCain LOVES, emulates and votes with 90% of the time, created massive deficits, killed over 3000 people because of his stupidity and sent, so far, over 4200 soldiers to their deaths for no good reason.

McCain has proven he only cares about McCain and power.

Who do YOU want to lead the country?

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