
November 4, 2008

Camera Phone Voter Verification

Filed under: Commentary,News,Open Thread,Opinion,Quote — Obi Zen Folksinger @ 10:55 am

As I stood in the voting booth this morning(1) I carefully marked every Democrat I could and a Libertarian when I couldn’t.(2)  When I got to the Vote Verification screen I took out my camera phone and my voter card and took a shot.(3)  Viola! Instant vote verification!

Yeah, I shoulda’ thought of this a week ago and made some waves. Why didn’t you think of it?   n’ya!

 Remember! Use the Phone, Luke!

Obi Zen Electorate

  -<( Secret Knowlege)>-

(1) Hey even a grass dealer I know voted the first day of early voting because on my ranting about if.   I just got careless; “Oh, I’m soooo busy!” I think that I may have missed an electrician when I was out today.

(2) Just no Green ticket in Texas. I have an opinion on that

(3) also took one before leaving the house but I can walk to my polling place.

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